So these layers are... wow

So I’m gonna beat a dead horse here, but these layers really need to go. I was questing doing a few quests where you need to gather X item from X enemies, we all know drop rates are very low already and there’s already 45 people doing the same quests so it’s going to be a grind, fine. But when I finally get a few mobs together after running around the zone for 15 minutes I think “great one of these will drop the item, then I just have to do this 15 more times!”, kill the mobs and boom instant layer… bodies gone, loot gone. Well that sucks, but maybe at least I was put on a layer with fewer people in the zone maybe I can do this quest faster now. Nope, even more people here now, and I’m getting ganked now too. Well whatever power through, find some mobs after another 15 minutes of running around, get surrounded by respawns kill like 5 of them with barely any health so I heal up before I get ganked again as I see them coming at me and just as I’m about to loot and run layered again. This happened 3 more times for a total of 5 within about an hour, in that hour I got 3 of the items to drop. 3 items in 1 hour with about 15 mobs I wasn’t able to loot because I was layered right after combat. “Loot faster” I can hear you say, sure maybe but I shouldn’t have to fight mobs, players and an invisible layer boss at the same time.

I was really looking forward to TBC, but with these megaservers and layers I just don’t know anymore. It seems like the majority of players want normal servers like we’ve always had, please just go back to that.


The fact you still have to fight with lots of other people for quest mobs while leveling almost 3 months in is a good thing.

The server is alive and well.


It was the fewest of mobs, it was the most of mobs, it was the slowest quest, but it was broken up with pvp

good times had by all. can’t wait for the next episode.

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My plans for tbc part 3 would be spam 60 stuff. It still bears okay xp. and has me still playing.

As outland will be a massive crap show first week or 2 lol. It was the last time for tbcc.

Hell even new race prelude had issues. I have seen a field of 50+ blood elf paladins. It was…day 1 of the 1 to 5 start area after they turned the code on.

On remulos, which has never been a mega server at any point in its lifetime lol.

grind Ramparts and Blood Furnace to 5999/6000 Honored before doing anything else in HFP.

the same goes for Cenarion Expedition and [Unidentified Plant Parts] in Zangarmarsh. or just grind Slave Pens and Underbog.

come home to classic era :expressionless: no layers, no doll speck, no nonsense

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we’d love to Eyr but being a freshie playing with people full t3 just doesn’t feel right

it’s not ideal i’ll admit but it’s the best we got :expressionless:

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That’s not true if you’re there.

And no players. Easy pass


It’s still this bad? I quit anniversary realms like two months ago at 37 because it all the zones were perpetually dead and quests took 100x longer than they should. Went back to era and checked out SoD.

It’s pretty bad. However, I think it’s better than having dead or underpopulated servers. It seems like they should be able to create and better load balance layers but I can’t say I really know how that works.

the worst things about layers is…
1-layers allow enemy players to instantly show on you as if they teleported
2-when server add or remove layers at any time during the day Random players from different layers get swapped out of the blue like a shuffle.
3-you can be fighting a rare mob and without anyone inviting you, you get layered during combat to lose the kill.
4-zones general chat is layered and people scattered in questing zone on many layers makes it so hard to find anyone for the same elite quest you are on and you can’t even find them when you type in general chat.

*- people dodge world pvp when they swap layer and the worst thing is "in same area if world pvp happen, you find one faction layer themselves leaving their ally behind so those people also swap layer which make the layer they left for get overwhelmed by them making it impossible for the other faction so they swap as well. where this all leads to layer with 100% horde and a layer with 100% alliance. "this reminds me of the failure of 2019 classic where every alliance left faerlina to benediction and all horde left from benediction to faerlina making the game dull with zero world pvp. and now in anniversary servers layers are doing the same thing.

Note: layers doesn’t increase server capacity, and it doesn’t help with supply since all layers are swarmed by bots and those bots bank what they loot to keep prices high.

layers are one of the reasons anyone would quit classic, layers divide the one world into too many worlds.

Did their old layering used to randomly layer you? I don’t remember that happening but on the anniversary realms I kept getting layered mid combat, mid escort quest, and all sorts of nonsense.

I do like layering (at least the original layering) better than sharding, but it’d be nice to not have any of it.

Layers are great.

Just because you can’t figure out how to properly use the system like LFG channels doesn’t mean layering is bad.

Tell the folks at home how you don’t know about the LFG channel or addon.

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this insane layering is turning classic into retail :expressionless: just seeing players teleport in next to you randomly (or vice versa) is not normal. it’s certainly not classic.


I’m thankful that I haven’t encountered this yet.

They can always combine low pop servers into clusters like in Era. There’s no reason to put everyone on the same server from the beginning.

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that’s true :expressionless: nothing wrong with starting with a bunch of servers and then combining them later on when population dies down. this model works. problem is it’s more expensive than 1 megaserver

I was really against layers when classic was new, but I have come to love them. Layers are amazing and they are absolutely the best way to handle servers that we have seen so far. Without layers would would have a couple healthy realms now and a huge pile of empty dead realms with sad desperate players wishing they had rolled somewhere else.

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