So the S4 Tier Set voting and the big concerns around it (As well as some suggestions)

So with the polls being closed and people tallying up the votes there have been some… rising concerns over the legitimacy of the influx of votes that surged in over the weekend.

On top of a noticeable influx of single post alt accounts on the forums around the time when a few tier sets saw their votes shift (Lookin at the Fury Warrior set bonus that saw thousands of votes pour in over a short span then go back to normal), you also wont really see a happy player base in the end regardless because people enjoyed different season Tier Sets for their different play styles.

  1. If things wont change with it, something needs to be looked at with the votes and the amount coming in from alts of a single account because it was revealed that you could vote per character and not per account.


  1. The real solution that would appease everyone would be to open up all tier sets to be able to be played. Make an enchant that puts the tier set on your gear, or a vendor you can talk to, or something. Just open up the tier sets so anyone can choose any season of their sets. Is it difficult? Yes. Is it something Blizzard can accomplish? Yes.

Tier set bonuses are extremely impactful to a specs play style, and also to player enjoyment. So in an expansion focused around getting players engaged again what can be done to make this actually better for the player base as a whole?


That’s honestly a pretty big oof if a player could have voted multiple times per character they own instead of once per account.

Understandably a person would be able to vote on every class, because they might have every class… But they should only be able to vote once per spec.


It was indeed confirmed that you could vote on multiple characters per account, and of course a character only has to be level 10 or 11 to register on the armory, and have 1 forum post in order to vote on the poll.

These factors combined lead to some iffy results.