So the Hearthstone Event kinda sucks

The server likes to choke up and the boss that spawns doesn’t drop loot when that happens.

… seriously?

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At least two times when the boss spawned, I did tag all three, but I lagged out, died and flew back to no loot.

I don’t understand why the boss can’t spawn at the same time in ALL THREE locations verses spawning at only one. This would really reduce lag because it would spread the player base out.


Almost as if everyone is trying to do the same thing at the some time right after the servers come back online.

The servers have been up for like 4 hours at this point.

But still, I can’t do the portals on moonguard or malganis without lagging out.

I agree. It was a lazy design option based on previous use…like, we did it this way before, lets do it again!

Just open the damned portals every hour in all 3 locations, guys. So what if the player numbers at each one drop off over time, its a short term event anyhow. What’s the big deal?


That would be better. I guess there could be some concern about under populated servers not getting enough people at a location to kill it efficiently, allowing people to kill more than one boss. Or groups even coordinating to do so.

I gave up on it. Blizzard dropped the ball on this event for sure.

Unfortunate too, because I love Hearthstone and I love WoW.


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The scarb lords ghost still lingers in wow


/moo :cow:


I like when there are just boss spawns where everyone can wail on 'em and get loot.

I like events like this when they go smoothly, though.

Not a fan of RNG (RNG gods cover your ears)

Is this true!?

This is great news!

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