So... The guy that did my piercings says his photo was on the launcher back in cata-wod

K- so i really want the lore to this story.

He says he was a frost mage, that got a worlds first SOLO?? on deathwing around when the chopper came out and had his photo put on the launcher for it. I want to know how full of crap this man is.

Are we talking a news piece on the Bnet launcher?

I’d doubt it. World First solo raid kills weren’t a news-worthy thing.


Tell him to prove it.

As the kids would say, “there’s a lot of cap in his rap”

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Maybe he made up this story because he liked you a lot? I dunno. Just guessing.

:cat: :cat2: :cat:

Chances are pretty high that this guy was entirely full of it.

If you look really close, I’m the 16th death knight running into the Maw during the intro. I think I fell into a hole and ended up being rescued by Sylvanas.

Time is weird in the mall. I tell ya.

:cyclone: :ocean: :cyclone: :ocean:


the usual suspects of the forum assuming the worst about a person because they feel invalid compared to his superior escapades of yore

OP none of the people replying so far even played back in cata

a character pic and a mention of a world first something is absolutely a thing old blizzard would do before corpo


did wow ever actually post about fan stuff on the launcher? Maybe some creator event but i never really paid enough attention to the launcher to notice.

Wowhead would, but on the actual launcher? Dont ever recall any player related news on the launcher unless Blizzard itself was the one running the thing.

I’m still waiting on the art contests

Whatever happened to them?

:ocean: :cyclone: :ocean: :cyclone:

What was his character name and server?

So he claims it was a big deal that he killed a boss from a prior expansion?

Yeah, that’s not newsworthy and never has been.

(There was no bnet launcher during Cataclysm.)


You were really cool if a dev signed your Play Disk

:cyclone: :ocean: :cyclone: :ocean:

I think it could be real, what does he have to gain by lying about it. I would’ve asked for proof though or at least a name??

We’ll add this to the list of other Important Questions.


What chopper?

The first chopper came out in WotLK before Cata.

pretty sure they meant the choppers from azeroth choppers, the one that horde players can no longer get because legal mumbo jumbo

The whole thing where they had a miniseries where they built a motorcycle to try and assuage their collective mid-life crises? :wink:

There is a video on youtube claiming to be the world first madness of deathwing kill from the same year the Azeroth Choppers web series came out. :man_shrugging:

That video seems to be from 2014 though and there are videos from 2012 soloing it so unless it was re-uploaded later that wouldn’t be the first solo kill.

Neither one is a frost mage.

Never seen that, pretty sure the first solos were done by DK’s like Raegwyn too, not a mage.