So the Dracthyr confuse me

So the healing wings are supposed to be the Weyrn of supporters and medics on the field.

The Obsidian Warders are the first line of defense that gets send in first like a vanguard of the army.

The Dark Talons are the secret weapon aka a elite force held back until the enemy is broken and then attacks to target the leaders directly.

What are the jobs of the other two factions? Did they explain what the troops of Emberthal did do as part of the grander forces for Neltharion?

Yes. In the Evoker legendary questline. You learn that Emberthal was the original Augmenter. So one can assume that her group were augs.


She was also the first one to be created and I think Emberthal is meant to represent the very best of the Dracthyr. Deathwing kind of modeled the rest of them after her.

At least that was the implication in the War of the Scaleborn novel