So the darkshore warfront, can we do it now? or do we have to wait?

…a fictional world that we pay real money to play in. Using that lame ‘rationale’ to denigrate other players’ posts is both lame and silly: if you were so slighted you’d be screaming the thread apart.

As for what Blizzard ‘admits’; that is a very old and very tired game they play, and constantly: They step in it, they apologize and ‘look into it’, and then go right on doing what they want, anyways.

It’s nice to be Mommy’s pet, isn’t it?

Speaking only for my household, my mother came up to me yesterday and asked me how she can “do Darkshore.” She and I both attended BlizzCon so you would THINK she would know that “Tides of Vengeance” is the upcoming patch, but evidently she hasn’t put the name of the patch together with the upcoming patch number.

And to a certain extent, that’s fair: it’s not like I remember the fluff names of the patches, either—I remember their content after the fact (example: 6.0: Account-wide Shirtapalooza) and very specific points of change before they actually drop (8.1: The Death of The Shaman I Haven’t Enjoyed Playing In Like, Nine Years But Felt Obligated To Because She Had All My Exalted Reputations And Those Achievements Weren’t Account-Wide).

I think it would help to include the word “preview” in those on-Battlenet advertisements for content in the future, because when a patch DOES drop you advertise that content in nearly exactly the same way as Darkshore’s warfront is being advertised now. Sometimes it’s animated instead, but that’s really the only difference. And, speaking as someone who lives in a household with a 60-something year old woman who doesn’t pay attention to third party websites’ constant news updates OR the version number next to the “Play” button on the launcher, sometimes she just straight up doesn’t know a patch has happened unless I actually say something to her.

(The screen that pops up now that tells you what’s new when you first log into the game is not reliable enough to count on for patch info; I’ve had that thing pop up after logging out for like, thirty seconds to fix a UI bug.)

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I’m just curious, were Horde this annoying with their cries of Alliance favoritism from Vanilla through Warlords?

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Boredom is a wonderful thing :stuck_out_tongue:

I take my bus driving very seriously, I’ll have you know :stuck_out_tongue:

Here is how it was for the first warfront. Arathi was open to us and then we waited for the cycle before we started contributions. Alliance never had contributions on the start of the first warfront.

I think from what blizzard said that the alliance will not be building up resources beforehand. It starts immediately and tbh it makes sense as there is a night elven fleet right off the coast as shown with the darkshore questline.

yes, because we are chomping at the bit for that same sweet, sweet 340 gear we have been scrapping for 2 months.

You alliance players will cry about everything. It is a videogame, get a freaking grip.

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Yes, you can do it now.
On the PTR.
Problem with that is there are not nearly enough players who even log in to the PTR. Last night, I waited for over an hour in the Darkshore Warfront queue without it ever popping. Today, Alliance has control of the zone so the WQs and quests are opened up, but for the hour or so I was in, there were only 2 other players in the zone. Ever.


Line-up of rares in Darkshore is very similar to Arathi, many you can solo, and almost as many that you can’t, at least not yet. Didn’t get any loot to drop other than azerite, they may have that locked for now, but you can get a feel for the zone and what to expect. Watch out for the prophet. Seems like a mild mannered cloth wearer, but his spell hits like a truck. Just be quick to move and don’t stand in the purple fire. 25K damage per hit taken.