With its pathetic offering of horse mounts. Don’t bother setting up in TB until you get some real mounts.
Kodo trampled 4 volunteers, horse dazzled 4 children. You pick.
Didn’t you lose every war against our great Alliance?
Horses are easier to care for compared to wargs.
If it was only the Darkmoon… the entire game, the entire game declared for the alliance…
I feel like killing any npc around but the game is so for the Alliance that I can’t…
Maybe possible as I think it’s story and workers fit goldshire. Not too sure.
Although they seem to me to resemble the forsaken horse style.
Shoo, back under your bridge, troll.
Under the elaborate robes the darkmoon mounts wear, they’re secretly donkeys. So it’s a horde-lore-safe mount.
I thought that until Teldrassil.
Yay more mounts…
I’ll never use.
I have chosen
Is the Horde still a thing? Aren’t all their leaders dead or exiled?
The what ?
It’s adorable that you think the Horde is still a thing.
Those of us who are clueless could use some context on this. Are new mounts coming to the Faire?
No, and we did protect the world during the great sundering.
Honestly, with how “unsettling” the DMF is thematically, I’m going to opt to believe they’re actually masses of eldritch flesh that are wrapped in a horse-shaped package. Nobody who checks under the barding lives to tell what’s really going on.
More pony like horses instead of steeds please, and let those ponies be colorful and magical with cutie marks.
Those horses look more like the undead horse models than the human horse models.
Well done OP. Your trolling is improving. I can see you managed several bites and have still not yet been back into the topic.