So, the 20th anniversary is going to make all current effort for loot mean nothing?

Just watched a few videos on what the 20th anniversary is going to drop and how often we will be able to farm this loot.

As I look at my crap geared 593 toon that I have been playing on for weeks.

I just think to myself, what’s the point? Gear seems to be easier to achieve in a few weeks…why bother???

Did you just come back or something?

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spent the first few weeks leveling alts while all the meta changing patches hit… now focusing on a toon.


Oh it’s Sunday…

Sounds like meta really doesn’t mean anything to the way you play. Pick something that you find fun early and enjoy.

WoW launched when I was in college and worked at a game store so I came back JUST for the 20th anniversary.

It better be good consindering how many Zillions they’ve made off our loyalty.

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Welcome to how this game has worked since . . . Molten Core



Welcome to WoW? This is the fundamental point of the game.

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Because now is sooner than a few weeks from now. And because you like playing the game.

Alternatively, don’t bother. Why should we care?

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Because getting likes on their posts somehow validates their existence in their own mind.

There is literally no other logical reason to make this post. Well maybe the fact that it’s Sunday but that’s about it

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This is the concept of all games with gear upgrades.