So the 2 main expansions people wanted are gone?

It amazes me how Cata was so widely received as a horrible expansion (for me it will always be the worst one by a long shot) and TBC and Wrath were 2 of the expansions people wanted for Classic servers.

First, you don’t even keep at least 1 TBC server active when Wrath launched. Then, you don’t even keep at least 1 Wrath server and replace them with the worst expansion ever.

I don’t understand why you would do that. Or why not just stopping at Wrath? Are you really going to just keep making more and wiping out all previous servers except the Vanilla Classic?

Please have at least 1 TBC and 1 Wrath Classic server and stop creating one for each expansion.


As an IT Manager and (separately) a small business owner, these types of moves are what I would do if I wanted to push customers off.

Which is exactly what its done for me. Payment methods removed & 8 days left on a 6 month subscription where I maybe used about 40 hrs of actual play time.

The only logical conclusion I can make from this move is that they don’t want me as a customer. - So be it then!


I don’t think it’s a horrible expansion. But I do believe it is the most obvious line that could be drawn which marks the end of Classic.

Then again they did add the WoW token, which is just comically greedy and so obviously bad for the game. It’s literally the “greedisgood” cheat code from Warcraft III except you have to pay $20 for it. Guess they took the meaning of their own cheat code to heart.


It should’ve been cata remastered instead of cata classic.
Granted, I hate wrath and could care less about it, but if you want wrath it should’ve stayed.


Because this is what the bulk of players wanted and Blizz cant pass on an opportunity to monetize it with upgrade packages.

Blizzard would argue they’ve been listening, albeit selectively.


People say one thing and do another then the opposite. Whatever the playerbase is today, I haven’t heard anyone complain about Belves on the Horde, but in OG TBC people hated blood elves.

MoP had a lot of people that hated the theme, hated pandas, etc. etc. Now all the posts about MoP I’ve seen have been “Best expansion ever.”

There are 2 things I’ve relatively consistently heard that people didn’t like about Cata: Dragon Soul being a lame raid, and the world changing.

In OG Wrath a lot of people complained about ToGC, but it seemed to have been well received and generally liked this time around.



Correct, for many people. We need a TBC and WotLK server.


They don’t want to spend resources maintaining them.


Man you really stopped playing wow after cata dropped in order to believe this take huh? Wod, bfa, sl are all arguably worse. Cata is literally just lich king but better in terms of gameplay, with the only downside being “no arthas :(“.

But whatever, you people screech out nonsense and don’t care about anything other than screeching so have at it.


and now we have a 3rd here that people wanted, blizzard put a poll out for people to vote and the numbers were high enough that they went foward with cata

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It goes to show they made Cata 8 months long only, releasing everything speed phases because classic had its run and they just want to get most new players that started to play wow classic into retail. As for the 2 million or so old old old subscribers from 15 years that quit the game shortly after Cata because we all hated RETAIL wow…

Are Willing and would be more then happy to pay $15 a month plus some small micro transactions generating Millions of Dollars of Revenue / Per/ Month For Activision Blizz. Just Remember the Vanilla TBC WOTLK older players that have returned to relive their young or childhoods are the players that actually have jobs and the FUNDS / MONEY to keep millions of dollars on PASSIVE Income for SHARE HOLDERS and Investors.

So Blizzard keep in mind that the Real veteran Classic players that only want ERA and TBC ERA and possible WOTLK ERa the TRILOGY is your MOST and BEST Investment of 2 Servers low overhead yet crazy good income.


But it almost is :wink:

DF and TBC are arguably worse. That’s the thing about arguing over an opinion … they are opinions. Now either you are incapable of understanding the extremely easy concept of an opinion, or your intentionally being a jerk (based on your final statement).

lmao?!?!? See now we are out of the realm of opinions and into just straight up ignorance.


Lich king to cata is a lesser jump in gameplay changes than cata to mop.

You’re a moron if you think your opinion on this is greater than the actual viewable list of changes.

You could cut the irony with a knife.

I see what’s happened here. No one answered the OPs questions.

“So the 2 main expansions people wanted are gone?”

Yes. Obviously.

All they promised was “vanilla” and permanent servers for them. We got that. Everything else is a bonus. Completely subjective opinions aside, you cant rightly quibble about it going to Cataclysm because at one point it was never even a possibility. A little too late to be moaning about it now if you got what you wanted out of TBC/Wrath. Now its the Cata peoples turn, sounds pretty fair.

TBC damn near killed Era and the overwhelming consensus was “Wrath” shortly after TBCs launch. There’s no point to opening and maintaining these servers for the handful of people that would be on them - as in, they wouldnt get to enjoy it either because they wouldnt have enough people to play with.

Its just so much easier to accept it and move on.

My friend, I understand cataclysm wasn’t the pinnacle of wow… but to say it’s the worst one is absurdly untrue. WoD, BFA, and Shadowlands exist. In no reality in any multiverse is cataclysm anywhere near the absolute DUMPSTER that those 3 expansions were.

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IMO the classic expansion should have ended at WoTLK. No need to go beyond when Cata content & beyond is available in retail


True. This was something they decided to give private server players an alternative; giving people what they want. Then, due to the success of Classic, they decided to progress to TBC, and then WotLK. It just seemed logical to many of us players that they would then keep these expansions available too (you know, the private server thing).

After the success of TBC leaving the Era servers empty, Blizz didn’t want to leave up TBC servers and have more empty servers when WotLK came out. It was a classic nostalgia wave of progression. That wave is over. There are many players that now want to go back and play their version of classic that they love best. Blizzard would be wise to now open up TBC and WotLK to players. The growth of players in Era over the past year or so is evidence enough that Blizzard can take a minimal risk by doing this.


I assumed the same the thing. Looks like we were wrong. Im not going to blame Blizz for that though.

Its easy to say but its a heck of a lot harder to actually make that case. It would be nice for sure, but that’s about it.

Like Classic itself players have to play the long game - patience. Its gonna be a good couple years before the classic wheel comes back around. Id also recommend keeping expectations low because that day may never come.

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