Beast Mastery
- All damage dealt reduced by 8%.
All damage dealt increased by 6%.
Precise Shots Focus cost reduction increased to 40% (was 30%).
Was BM this strong in the PTR?
Beast Mastery
All damage dealt increased by 6%.
Precise Shots Focus cost reduction increased to 40% (was 30%).
Was BM this strong in the PTR?
It was extremely strong. Just dont know if it needed 8% across the board.
We will find out tuesday when it goes live. I just wish they would let things go live and cook for a bit instead of jumping the gun before the masses play it.
I haven’t personally logged into the PTR, but this feels very similar to the type of nerfs that BM received right before TWW launched, it was heavy handed and we had to play as a very gimped spec for about a month before they finally buffed us.
8% seems huge, does this mean we are basically trash until we get our set bonus? Because it’s not like BM is lighting up the charts on live right now.
I had a buddy message me that follows Kalamazi and I guess the thought is that BM might be about C tier now, Marksman moving to A-. It was about a 14% swing between the buffs to Marksman and nerfs to BM, so they are flipping spots.
It was a bug, it’s always one if BM is out preforming. Hopefully they’ll just leave it alone when the patch goes live.
We literally are logging on tuesday and still doing more damage than we do on live, people are drama queens
Thats what matters. On line now i out perform most with a grossly underpowered spec. Come Tuesday i will do more, and i cannot wait to ditch dark ranger as i simply dont like it.
Yep nothing new here. BM will always be the target of the nerf bat. We get above average? Bat.
Wine must be a secret BM Hunter resource.
It’s almost as if people’s opinion matter? But I guess ours don’t mean as much as the high-and-mighty one such as yourself.
Above average is mildly put.
BM was the strongest PTR spec by far, nothing came close, not just hunter specs but in general
BM was nerfed by 8%, MM buffed by 6%, and BM will still be much stronger, that’s how good it was
I am holding you to it. I’ll even wait 2 more weeks (1 more after the raid’s release) before I’ll come back to this.
I am hoping you’re right.
And we’re still gaining 100K dps on tuesday and dont even have our new giga tier set which is currently the best tier set in the game
Im hoping its a bit more honestly. 100k will still only put us middle of the pack.
Like how they should have done before 11.0. Pepperidge Farm still remembers.
The first week after the patch is a perfect time for them to see how the numbers fall while there is no current season. I will never understand why they don’t use that as a final testing phase before dropping something as major as a 8% across the board nerf.