Go to Iskarra and fly south.
To your left you’ll see an island just 20 seconds or so into fatigue waters. If you head to it you’ll easily get there before dying and fatigue resets.
If you land there you’ll see tiny caves with common battle pets in them, and a race of crabs carrying dragon bones on their backs.
The crab in front of the group has a skull, and has a train of crabs carrying vertebrae following them. They parade about the island. If you kill the one in front and leave combat they wait in place patiently for a new head to respawn.
In a cave in the middle is a non-rare elite dragon skull crab with a couple special abilities like breathing fire from the dragon skull which are kind of neat. It drops trash greys.
I’ve swam about it underwater, no hidden caves or anything I can see, and that same weird texture stretch found in most fatigue areas going down as far as I can go.
I also tried taming skull crabs but they lose the skull when a hunter captures them.
I don’t know what this area is for, but it’s kind of neat.
Easter egg of some sort? IDK.
I need to check that out for myself someday.
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Crab Isle patch confirmed
Cool post, OP! I’d love it if people made threads like this more often.
I just went there. The island itself is called ‘Lev’al Rock Isle’ and is located at 17.22, 95.91 off the coast of the Azure Span.
The elite is ‘Crustosteo’, and the train crabs are ‘Lev’al Skulltler’ and ‘Lev’al Spineshell’ respectively.
There are multiple dragon bone piles scattered across the island… with fresh meat still on them.
Ore and herb nodes spawn here as well.
If you die for whatever reason, your ghost is sent all the way back to Iskarra, making your corpse impossible to retrieve without dying to Fatigue.
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There is an island with a Moby Dick novel reference too and it has some quests.
I found a pile of gold, gold bars with Alliance symbols on them and an old god eyeball in the middle of it. It’s in the ocean the Great Sea in the remains of a ship wreck with a couple of skeletons. Can’t click on anything, though. It’s at 21/66
Sounds like an interesting place and worth checking out.
I’ll have to write myself a reminder note to grab a bucket of butter before I head out there.