So SL isn't friendly to people who play multiple specs/classes?

guess Im staying as BM full expansion then xP from hunter changes itll be the only one worth playing in the class anyway -.- woo

SL is great for multiple specs! So great, in fact, that you’ll have to play a bunch characters of the same spec if you want the best abilities in different kinds of content!

It’s better for Blizz because you play twice as long to have the same progression on both.

making an xpac none-a;lt friendly to the point of needing two of the same class to play all specs, i guess i cant put it past todays blizzard

Sounds like they should have named the xpac Time Metric Sink: The Illusion of Choice.

I liked you as an mvp and I’ll probably still like you as a regular player.

Congrats on your position/job. May it lead to great and wonderful things.

Be well.

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Maybe I’m in the minority here, but I love all three Monk specs. I have a different character for each spec, sure I will main one spec over the others but I don’t have to micro manage gear or overload my inventory, it also benefits transmoging as well.

Lol Blizzard has some really funny logic. Yes the expansion will be more alt friendly, but if you like being good at more than one spec then tough luck. I guess its weird to the devs that not everyone wants to play one spec for everything.

If it has a table i will be fine.

It’s new and different that’s the point. We will be in this expansion for two years, you don’t need to rush to the end game and compete in top content immediately. Only try hards will do that. More casual players will take time and enjoy the scenery