So Season 4 is

Blizzard coming out saying the game is for Heroic/Mythic raiders only?

I personally hate doing keystones with anything more than 2 affixes, let alone ones in raiding.



So you’d prefer they stop working on content for whatever sort of player you consider yourself for the next xpac, and spend that time developing something new for downtime of Shadowlands instead? Bold strategy.

These dungeons and raids already exist. Modifying/adding to their mechanics slightly isn’t a huge deal.


It’s nothing new though and only suits a very small demographic of players who like to do them.


If it doesn’t sound fun to you, don’t play it.

The alternative would be no content at all, which is what we got every other expansion.


Its literally so raiding/M+/PvP doesnt drop off a cliff due to content drought. Thats it. Its a small thing to keep activity, rather than just null of content.


Are you including mythic+ as content that only a small demographic of players do? …because I think ALOT of people like to do mythic+ though I really have no data to really know. Raiding I can see not being participated in as much since it’s such a big time commitment.


if you dotn raid or do m+ like me you mite as well unsub there is nothing for you until 10.0.

i will be unsubbing since i dont raid or do m+ im not subbing for old content i dont play.i will take my money and buy new games this year likr starfield in november.

i can play lost ark its free and has content for 3 years all i know i i sont need to be subbed to wow for old cotntent im not going to do.


Raid or be sent to the Mall

:blue_square: :black_square_button: :blue_square: :black_square_button: :blue_square: :black_square_button: :blue_square: :black_square_button:

It’d surprise me with the pressures revolving around entry requirements and keystone resumes.


Raiding has been a thing since molten core, why do you think otherwise

But how else will they complain

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okay so they mentioned raids. but does that mean the loot tables will just be higher ilvl or will people be getting dom sockets again?

is the tier gear going to need to be recrafted again? i mean, by then we will be sitting on a metric ton of useless currency so it would be an issue upgrading that way.

do legos get buffed as well?

Times change.

Plus other player demographics do exist, who are playing better games like Elden Ring.

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Must be that bad of a game if you’re still posting on the wow forums

I have a sophisticated palate so that I can render better insights on fledging games like this one.

I think if you take a look at the feedback, you’ll find plenty of Mythic raiders who hate the idea of recycling old raids with affixes.

Season 4 is Blizzard saying the only people who matter are the M+ crowd.


Theyre not saying anything. They are trying to tide us over on the cheap.

Beats nothing we usually get. I honestly think this is blown way out of proportion.


No, because what we usually get is a low-key period where people catch up on end boss mounts and recharge their batteries for the next expansion.

Instead we’re getting a mega-farm session with 31 simultaneously active farm bosses. It’s a nightmare. Raiding guilds are going to burn up and break apart like crazy.

What stops them from taking breaks? Gm? Those guilds sound terrible.

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s4 doesnt have mythic raiding

it has rehashed garbage