So Replica gear is missing?

So i myself am a HWL warr… tryna buy the Replica set so i can Atleast have the weapons… But the vendor don’t even sell the stuff… i just wanna see muh set again damn it


Nah we screwed.

Kinda weird that the old rank 14 gear isnt able to be transmoged.


I have toons with the title and the gear in the bank and transmogging those appearances is not an option.

Kind of annoying for people overall, but it will probably be fixed at some point. Along with the vendor being added. It’s probably just low priority. Good thing to bring up though.

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its only mogable after 1800 in rbgs
they changed the ranking system for rbgs in cata

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the set is in shattrath with the honor vendor above the elevator

That’s pretty messed up if they don’t allow people who have the gear sitting in their bank and the original title to mog it (really it should be anyone for with the gear even if they got it from the TBCC prepatch but had it taking up bank space for like 2 years). That’s like not allowing T3 to be mogged or something.

That Shattrath info for the replica is good to know for the OP overall, but just saying.

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Ok update: I went to Shattrath on my R14 ally priest and the grand marshal stuff from the Shatt vendor was all available with no RBG requirement, however when purchasing it that was still not a transmog option and also the shoulders didn’t have a glow so they were like the R10 ones. So :person_shrugging:

I’ll go back with this is still being worked on.

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its the same how its been in the past
a new set with the r14 gear will be added to area 52 and will be mogable once you unlock 1800
the gmarshal gear is just souvernir at this point, maybe twink gear? idk

there should be a vendor at area52 selling REPLICA of the sets for 1800 rated bg players OR rank 7 or 11 (legacy) (dont remember which of the two). you never needed rank 14 for the set to be mogged from the legacy titles.

but ofcourse the vendor is not there

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you never needed rank 14 but you needed 1800, and thats since day 1

you dont need 1800 when having either of the legacy titles I listed on top of it. I seen threads where people claim to need rank 14 be it legacy or rbg which is just false.

you probably need what, stone guard? i dont remember alliance version ,probably knight right?

Legacy OR RBG Knight-Captain/Legionnaire. The vendor is just missing.

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its cuz it only opens in cata when rbgs are available
the req is knight-cap ranking for the gear, happens to be 1800 but the requirement is the title

All I stated was the vendor was missing (For now - im not implying it should be in right this moment nor do I know when it will be added)

Also stated the requirements.

Pointing out that having the title from Vanilla will be enough, you can ignore RBGs if you want to and still get the replica gear.

Its an either or system and for now the npc is missing.

I’m fully aware that the existing gear is non transmogable. I’m also not arguing to say it should be. I know replica will be added.

Edited to add -
Bluepost from 2011 confirming you can obtain them without doing RBGs, assuming you have the old FOS from vanilla.

In Area 52 a set of vendors has replaced the PvP Vendors who used to live there. Grex Brainboiler, Krixel Pinchwhistle, Tini Smalls, Kezzik the Striker, Big Zokk Torquewrench, and Leeni “Smiley” Smalls. These vendors sell new, transmogrifiable versions of the classic armor to players who have the Feat of Strength for Legionnaire/Knight-Captain or higher under the old PvP system.

There was a bug with the Feat of Strength granting access to these items, but was hotfixed within the last couple of minutes. If you meet the criteria log out and back in and you should be able to access the vendor.


think the set you’re talking about here is the lvl 70 blue pvp set, which shares the “grand marshal” bit in name but isn’t related to the level 60 ranking sets (and it still doesn’t unlock any transmog)

because its still not around
you need to unlock it through rbgs or having the title and it will give you a specific brand new set that is transmogable
the previous sets never transmogable even in og, is a whole new one to be added

the ones that already exists will still be obtainable in the future, and never mogable


Where is the vendor you guys are speaking about now lol. been a hot minute since i had to be in shatt.

The vendor is not there on the beta either