So Regarding Addon ToS

Why are addons in violation of the ToS allowed to be used? Blizzard should break the addons and ban people who use them, or at least ban the streamers who promote ToS violating addons such as restedxp.


I guess the addon makers have somewhat cordial relations with Blizzard.
They can’t exactly stop it, so I guess they are just silently allowing it?


Something something money Kargoz something restedxp. Who cares just play the game let them do whatever they do

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“who cares just let streamer grifters rui- shape the game to suit their own purposes and treat the players as cattle”

yeah okay then

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I am 100% okay with addons and don’t see why they’d start banning people now…

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It’s hot takes like this that make me happy the average forum user has no power. Some ordinary player goes to their favorite addon site and says “oooh this one looks nice”. Installs the addon and … BAM! You have been banned by random forum guy because reasons!


Yeah? And what do you think you’re gonna do about it? Complain?

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it is every players responsibility to read and understand the ToS

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Yeah, I’m gonna have to stop you there. If an addon can run, it’s ok to use. That’s the policy.

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this isnt even to mention the fact that addons such as restedxp ruin the experience of classic wow. its on the same level as such things as like for example as gold buying or wow tokens or boosts for example
its quite strange blizzard would refuse to add dungeon finder because “spirit of classic” but also allow boosts and restedxp addons and wow tokens

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What exactly are you intending to accomplish here

please dont encourage people to use illegal addons like bot addons

There is no addon in existence that can bot. Bots are external programs that would not be considered an addon.


cross faction communication addons are certainly not allowed to be used
just because something is an addon doesnt mean it can be used

You can use literally any addon that can run. That’s the policy.

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So should discord be black listed? Cross faction comms have been around for over a decade

There are addons that enable botting.

Look, I know you are going to respond to my last post and I don’t want to drag this out all night so let me clarify some things here.

Blizzard created their own API and a sandboxed Lua interpreter for enthusiasts to create addons for WoW. Players can download and use any addon they want, no restrictions. If Blizzard ever decides that an addon is behaving beyond the scope of what they intended, and this has happened a number of times over the years, they simply change the API so that addon will no longer work.

It has never, and will never be the burden of players to determine if an addon is Blizzard approved. If an addon can run, the addon is allowed.


i think you should actually read the policy, friend. you have a fundamental misunderstanding. otherwise the addon tos would have no reason to exist in the first place…

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There is no “addon ToS”.