So People Want The Water Strider To Be Restricted?

On the PTR, every character is getting sent this item in the mailbox.

I made a new level 20 void elf and they did not receive any item in the mail.

Because right now you can use the strider on all your alts at zero additional cost on an as needed basis. When mount equipment is released you have to buy/mail each alt water walking shoes individually, and if you ever change equipment later and decide to go back to water walking, do that again.

Basically we don’t want something taken away only to have it sold back to us in a less convenient form.

*edit - you could have read at least a bit of one of the other threads already going about this topic, and probably posted there for this question.


I don’t get it.
Someone please tell me why it matters what mount we use more often? Honestly.
What. the . f.difference does it make?
Why should they care if I use a strider, a war bear (didn’t like that or any of the elephant-types at all)…a floating dragon, a robot?
Does anyone get what I’m saying here? We use whatever the blast we WANT to use. THEIR job is to make different ones. THEIR job is to make different mounts and THAT IS ALL.
Make something cuter than the strider.
I see people using alllllllllllll different kinds of mounts, from hivemind, to ships, to Alar, ones they bought.
Damn, why must they feel the need to even give a crap WHAT we use??? It’s MY game time Stick to doing your JOB, and make my game time pleasant instead of a flipping GRIND that makes me want to scream in frustration and call you a bunch of MORONS. How hard is it to just leave something alone?


I swear, that just might be the straw that breaks the camel’s back for me.

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I know sooooo many people who’ve quit this game. My guild is now a virtual ghost town. Some very good people have had it up to their eyeballs with all of this garbage.
I’m with you on this. Fing with flying was bad enough. Now they have to tinker with a mount that makes it so we don’t need to be slowed down 50+% every time we hit water. I don’t care if I get the ability back quickly. I don’t give one tiny shiz. They didn’t need to mess with it in the first place, and I’m about ready and willing to travel to another game with the rest of my lost guildies.


Make a bug report.

That is how it works according to the blue post. I don’t care for it working that way but that is how it is set up. The character has a buff and it allows all mounts to use water walking. Go download the PTR and check for yourself.

I watched the T&E video and they explained the equipment was per character, not mount wide.

Only level 100+ characters are getting it. Lower level alts of those characters are not. These will have to be bought and posted out by a character with the required reputation.

It is activated account wide by one char reaching 100, then all char’s afterward have access to it at level 20. The system is fine, we never needed it but it’s fine.

The removing stuff we loved/earned just to prop up their new system into the spotlight is NOT fine.

I understand that.
I was replying to Spodge who stated that every character is getting them in their mailbox. That is not the case on PTR at present.

People with a hundred+ toon with the rep and striders are not getting the equipment posted to lower level alts.

I’m not here to argue, just clarifying the current situation.

It’s the principle of taking something away from a unique mount. They could have just left the Strider alone like they left the Sky Golem alone.



PLUS - the new system sets them up to remove water walking whenever they want. They just twist the knob to make that equipment not applicable in future expansion zones. Then you have to REBUY, AGAIN, what you already had.

The fact that keeping the strider’s ability while not letting it benefit from the equipment is so small, addresses the issue people have been screaming about, doesn’t harm the current system, and ALSO satisfies the goals that the new system is going for all results in this whole thing feeling really shady.


Let’s not forget the waterstrider wasn’t even free!

Sheesh, I grinded that rep out for DAYS back in MoP.

Why can’t they just treat the waterstrider like the herb golem: leave it alone!


You don’t get it do you? People earned it way back. They did what Blizzard asked of them. Now years later because too many people are using it because of the stupid way zones were designed Ion and team are mad. So they are going to take away something people legitimately earned under the guise of making it better. This is opening a huge can of worms. But mostly it destroys what little trust people had in Blizzard.


That’s a BINGO.


That is just a bug - they haven’t updated their original intentions.

Blizzcon WoD announcement: flying coming via an “epic quest line”.

Alpha-PTR: no epic quest line, Blizzards says flight is still coming.

WoD goes live with no flying: Blizzards says it’s coming, in a later patch.

6.1 goes live with no flying: Blizzard goes “didn’t make this patch but still coming!”

6.2 PTR: no flying yet.

Late on Friday on Memorial Day weekend on Polygon interview: Ion states no more flying ever again in current content. (May 22)

Mid June this is retracted to add Pathfinder which boils down to no flying in current content while still relevant and after a year or more of waiting.


As if they couldn’t just do that anyways? Why is this even an argument?