I was silenced a month ago for mentioning something about blizzard…
I was silenced a month ago for mentioning something about blizzard…
Wow thats a long post for nothing. Are you sure its not a case of posting to general too frequently?
I’ve been silenced a few times and I dont even use an addon. Its because of the frequency of posts within a liimited time span.
I love the use of the addon.
It adds so much excitement to mechagone. You’re in the middle of fighting and then all of a sudden you’re in a rush/race to get to a rare.
did you hibernate through Argus?
it can be avoided by them setting their addon to not announce to public channels.
Which would literally defeat the entire purpose of the addon.
From what I’ve seen, the overwhelming majority like the addons. It’s the minority that do not, and it’s them that should leave the public channels if they find it a nuisance that the rare spawns are being announced as being up and then when they’re dead.
People are probably reporting the addon users for spam. Enough people report and the person gets silenced.
Silence is fairly automated – enough people report you and you get silenced, end of story. This has happeened to plenty of people who didn’t neccesarily deserve the ability of other players to subjectively punish them. However it’s still a rarity for a group of players to be able to effectively get somebody silenced.
If it was a Squelch, I’d agree, as then it just means some people are being too sensitive and reporting people because they’re annoyed. But these people are getting silenced. Which means a GM upheld the squelch.
Which means Blizzard either needs to tell their staff that these addons are okay, or Blizzard is indeed telling us these addons are not okay and we need to stop using them or we’re going to get silenced.
There are literally posts about people contacting GMs to get it reversed and being told no.
Either way, it’s not “blowing it out of proportion.”
I killed multiple rares tonight without announcing them, and I felt dirty. I killed them alone. I wasn’t able to share the kill with anyone. This is not the type of community Blizzard should be fostering.
If what you say is true, then that’s a shame. I don’t have the addon but I find it useful when other people do. Calling out rares or time of death is useful for me to plan whether I should go or not bother. Also, if 2 rares are up at the same time with 2 separate announcements, i can choose the rare I haven’t killed yet.
And if it was just one or two people, I’d assume these people legitimately just spammed somewhere else and was blaming it on the addon.
But there’s dozens of people, and it all happened in the past week. It’s as though Blizzard decided this week that the add-ons were no longer acceptable, and they decided to crack down on it, but not tell the players about it.
Again, I killed multiple rares tonight and I was afraid to tell people they were up. So I killed them alone. That is not community. This is NOT the type of game and community Blizzard should be creating.
I find those announcements irritating.
I have not reported them - but if other people are, and it is enough for Blizzard to silence the people - I am OK with it. If it means less spam, then good.
I like chatting with people in the same zone. I do not like add on spam.
If you think I should just leave a chat channel - it makes me glad Blizzard is doing this.
lol OP your not that smooth hey?
chat automatically staggers how many messages you can send in a certain amount of time
those addons spam like 3 consecutive messages, causing chat to auto silences the person for a min or 3
its not targeted at any SPECIFIC addons LOL u nub
everyone always thinks their being attacked specifically haha
funny generation
You literally cannot post more than 2 messages every 60 seconds. There is no way around it. You don’t know the first thing about the game works if you think the addon itself is causing the silence.
If the addon attempts to post another message too soon, it literally just tells you “You’ve posted too many messages.” or something like that.
Also, you have no idea how old I am, mister, “funny generation.”
Yea i’m confused. The default anti-spam in /1 prevents anything even remotely resembling actual spam from flooding chat. Why are these people getting silenced? That being said, I refuse to use the announcement addons. If I find something worthy of calling out, I’ll do it manually. Mostly just those select rares that actually can’t be solo’d or the ones that drop mounts like Soundless.
why can’t they just have the addon join you to a custom channel just for that addon so everyone with that addon can get the message and keep it out of public chats and BAM, problem solved.
Why even do content so horribly designed on purpose to waste players time?
If people are getting reported, auto-squelched and then later silenced for using these add-ons that is something Blizzard needs to address.
Personally, these add-ons are a good thing, especially in Nazjatar.
Random spawn location rares are the worst, and Nazjatar is filled to the brim with them.
There are literally posts about people contacting GMs to get it reversed and being told no.
To be fair, I seriously doubt many of those are actually reviewed to any significant degree. The staff to do that just doesn’t exist anymore, they’ve been cut way too far. I typically assume the “we reviewed it and maintain” form letter just means some overworked support guy spent the whole day looking at actual problems, and pushed through all the low-priority tickets at the end of the day so they’d reach some manner of closure.
But these people are getting silenced . Which means a GM upheld the squelch.
Which means Blizzard either needs to tell their staff that these addons are okay, or Blizzard is indeed telling us these addons are not okay and we need to stop using them or we’re going to get silenced.
There are literally posts about people contacting GMs to get it reversed and being told no.
That’s very Blizzard 2019 of them.
Nice retail community to boot. They’re perf for each other.
It is still spam. People are responsible for their own spam creations and it doesn’t matter if it is an addon.
There isn’t really a need for addons that spam chat it is annoying to be honest. When they started showing up I started putting people on ignore but there really is just too many now.
General chat is for chat not addon spam.