I look forward to the contradiction of lightforged draenei death knights.
Those horn options are awesome.
Plus with Calia being a lightforged undead it could lead to some interesting possibilities.
I look forward to the contradiction of lightforged draenei death knights.
Those horn options are awesome.
Plus with Calia being a lightforged undead it could lead to some interesting possibilities.
A corpse is a corpse is a corpse. Arthas was a paladin, and as we know are beings actually physically infused with the light
You madman. You actually did it!!!
Yes please! My Gnome DKs are cute and cuddle but they lack that fluffy quotient.
Maybe their tats will change color and glow an icy blue instead of gold.
Some where, someone must have mentioned him an additional two times!
So…they are just opening restriction on Death Knights? Does that means NE get to be Paladins? Humans get to be Shamans or Druids?
He is just upset because he couldn’t get any Zug Zug.
The datamining for the DK textures is for 8.3
I was once a Pandaren and people laughed at me. At least by becoming an Elf they laugh at me behind my back and not out in the world questing.
You go all in on a race? I personally try to get one of each.
Yeah I’ll prob race change my Tauren named Pillowfists to Panda.
at one point i had 7 max level orcs. XD
Oh jebus. Yeah, if anything I struggle with things like “Ok, which class makes Worgen least bad looking?”
i like worgen warlock. i have one now. i also like worgen dk because they look good in dk gear. but with the new dks coming out i’m gonna end up with like 0438503945 dks and worgen just isn’t up to kt standards as far as models go, for me.
I have more Gnomes than that lol.
Id bet money its 8.3.5 or the prepatch/preorder bonus.
I dont have any money. So i wont. But if i did i would.
There’s going to be a lot more vacuuming around Acherus…so much fur!
i was missing monk i think. right now i have: warlock (duh), hunter, warrior, dk, and a maghar priest at 120. i think that’s it? i race changed my shaman to HMT race changed my rogue to undead, deleted my mage, and i didn’t make a monk. my monk is a tauren because tauren is the master race for monks.