So, Panda's... Who is ready

… to turn into a Death Furball in 8.3? I know there is some who wants to be a Pandaren DK.


You really think it’ll happen sometime in 8.3 during the leadup to 9.0? I figured it’d be a 9.0 thing.

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Well, Allied Races were a BfA thing, but were first released in 7.3.5?

I’ve recently become fond of pandas, i even race changed my mage to one, so to answer your question…
Yes Im ready :panda_face:


I wonder if Arthas wouldn’t have purged Stratholme if he knew what was about to happen…

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Well, in the Culling of Stratholme, he was told that he was gonna die.

Boy, did he die in an epic battle!

I’ll probly make one, if real and all. Would be amusing for a bit, till I get tired of leveling I guess.

I’m going to roll a female Pandaren frost DK. Have the name “Polarburr” saved.


blizzard is on crusade to kill anything that is still edgy from their games

Rip to all the panda dks who get created, take 2 steps, and then get deleted from existence when people realize how goofy their run really is

I was thinking of naming a Pandaren DK, Bunderberg… Only because of this…

But then realized can’t name after a company.

Big cute dumb smile while being a warrior of death and misery.

We live in a sweet beautiful world.

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Female Pandaren have some of the best animation in the game. Run and all.


Probably, assuming they become a thing. I’m a bit on the fence, as I try not to have too many of one thing, and this would push my pandas up a bit. But, I don’t have a panda that can wear plate yet, so we’ll use that as an excuse. :wink:

Probably not going to happen until 8.4.5

Go back and troll your own thread!

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I’d love to. I already have four Death Knights already, and I’m not playing any of them right now.

But Pandaren Death Knight would be my choice if I rolled a new one.

I am always ready for new Pandaren stuff. I would rather have Paladins but I will still roll a DK.

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But wouldn’t the light shave the Pandaren?

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If they’ve been datamined in 8.3 PTR, why would’nt they be in 8.3? Were they pulled from somewhere else?