So Paladin Mounts

I know this is probably a really really common discussion, but are we going to get any new paladin mounts?

And I don’t mean like… new new mounts. I just mean Updated ones for the existing paladin races. The Great Exarch’s Elekk desperately needs a model update. And when your favorite race isn’t updated, and you’re standing next to say… a dwarven paladin. You feel it.

You REALLY feel it.


The Paladin class order hall mount is amazing looking, and the quest to get it was fun too.

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oh it is. But I mean the racial paladin mounts. If I’m a Draenei, I’d like to ride around on a glowy elephant. And The Felcrusher is so good, I wish we could at least glyph that onto it haha.

I am of the opinion that dwarf/dark iron and draenei/lightforged paladins should be able to use their “cousin’s” pally mount.

Horde pallies can just deal with it or glyph into the 4 order hall mounts (I already do that on my human pally anyways).

How has the iconic human paladin charger: THE charger that once ALL paladins used, not been updated? It blows my mind!

The Lightforged talbuk is so good. Lightforged totally ship-jacked the normal draenei’s space ship, but they won’t share their god-mode talbuk technology with the rest of us.

It technically was with the order hall one. The red one is for Blood Elves.

Blizzard, please:


It’s funny that his opening line in the video is exactly the post above you.

Also does it come in non-blood elf red? Asking for a friend. This guy did an amazing job great video.

It’s a shame people with actual talent and passion like this never get hired.

That would be great, and I hope they do it, but I don’t think they’ll update the old Pali or the Warlock ones because the Legion mounts exist.

They definitely should tho