So out of curiosity

Been thinking about it a lot the last few years. Changing mains. How do you handle or cope with it?

All the rep grinds, questlines, etc you’ve done on your main. How have you handled the change if you did change your main?

Mostly asking for second opinions.

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Simple: I do not xD
I have a few chars but I only ever play my druid seriously, I gear some of the others sometimes, do some stuff but anything that requires a long grind like rep I only ever do it on my druid.


For me, I have a decent group of friends so I just swap and that’s it. Gear comes pretty quick in m+ and then it’s off to raid. As far as rep grinds go, I’ve always gone with the mindset of “I’ll get it when I get it.”

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I just say “I want to play Class X now” and move on.

Given that most stuff is account wide you don’t have to worry about losing much, other than trying to pick out a new mog.


For me I’ve only changed mains at the start (or soon after the start) of expansions.

May Mains:
Vanilla = Holy Forsaken Priest
BC - MoP = Tauren Druid
WoD = This toon, Dreadmoon.

Changing at the start of expansions has allowed me to do start any grinds on a new toon, rather than changing my mind halfway or towards the end.

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Yeah my biggest hurdle if i did change was always the amount of reps i grinded. Some of those took forever lol


Just keep telling yourself they’re gonna make rep account wide. That’s what gets me through the 3 months I spend trying to main something new before going back to my OG toon.

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I could never get into having one main toon. All I do is rotate which toon I want to play at the moment and do it. I do have one toon I always start new content with and then just bring all my alts through it if it wasn’t a complete bore or waste of time.

I tend to get really bored of the pruned classes so can’t play one for very long before I’d rather play another class and so on and so forth. But some Xpacs just ruin classes so it always varies.

Enhancement and Feral are the two class specs I love to play but Blizz hates them so if they are fun I jump on them and play them a lot because Blizz is about to destroy that fun real soon.

EDIT: I started to take a toon of each armor type through the F2P version to do all the quests and get all the transmogs when not subbed, which is quit often now. And for rep it is normally the toon I always take through new content or my enhancement Shaman that now just sits because Blizz broke him in SL.

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I just caught up on gear. No need to redo anything irrelevant to that (for me).

I changed from a Priest to a Druid shortly after M+ Season 2 started.

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When I changed mains after about years I just let go of the work that came before and started on new stuff. Now I rotate between 3 - each feels like main for the time I play it. I only worked on reps for 2 expansions. I guess I just picked what I liked and went for it - both with toon and achievements. Less stress, more fun.

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nice, way to join the winning team :]

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I haven’t seen you in forever!

pets Gaahr

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i am actually rerolling though! i’ve always wanted to be a dragon, and if i have to be an evoker to do it, well that’s the road i’m walkin’ down

I am as well. Evoker can be a healer so I have to try it.

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I dont worry about rep, or gear grind, or anything like that.

The beggining of a game is almost always my favorite part. Leveling up frequently, feeling stronger with the teeniest magic item, and learning new abilities. It just feels like the most progression happens near the beggining, and it feels good to go through that.

Switching a main is kind of like going through that, and I do it all the time. It helps that I still haven’t played through every spec or every class too.

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Simple. I have 17 mains. Well, 17 characters to cap right now. All of them are 220+ ilvl and when I want to change, it doesn’t take much to get it built up. I don’t usually worry about rep or anything like that unless I need it for gear. I made a chart:

H = Healer
T = Tank

Names are blurred to protect the innocent.

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I get together with my therapist. We sit down and come up with coping strategies for making the transition smooth as possible.

Or i just farm rep for only current expansion and dont think about it.


We don’t have a main.

We’re an anarcho-syndicalist commune! We’re taking
turns to act as a sort of executive-officer-for-the-week–

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