So, Orc Mages

There is no lore reason why Orcs cannot study the Arcane.

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There is, Arcane requires intelligence which Orcs sorely lack. Even Ogres are smarter then them.

we don’t know how smart orcs are regarding lightbulbs because they are still too busy staring at it going “OHHH SHINY!”

The main reason I can argue against this is that we have Gul’dan, Gorefiend, and Ner’zhul-

They were cunning and smart orcs.

I’d argue they just didn’t have access to the arcane on Draenor, and most of them ended up as shamans or priests instead.

Now that they are on Azeroth, a world full of arcane, they can learn to be mages.

If humans can be taught by the elves to be mages, and orcs are somewhat equivalent to humans, then I’d assume orcs can learn too.

Hell, half of all old orcish lore involves members abusing magical artifacts.

Orcs do magic surprisingly well for a warrior-race.

You can think of Orc Mages as non-evil (or less evil?) Gul’dans, basically lol. Or his acolytes.

Even though he was orignally a shaman, I’d argue warlocks are just mages that use forbidden magic, as they cannot commune with the elements anymore.

Mages still use a little bit of their elemental powers as well, just they are now able to tap into arcane as well, instead of heavily using the other elements.