So, Orc Mages

I disagree, they have been strong allies with the trolls, they could have def learned the arcane arts from them. Also the forsaken have some powerful mages from dalaran they could also learn from. Ogres were also part of the invasion forces that came to azeroth they have mages as well.
There are plenty of places they could have picked up the arcane arts from, they can be warlocks which must require some intelligence. Warlocks crave power but risk it all dealing with demons maybe some orcs decided to find power through other avenues.

Nah, Ogres have 2 heads AND Ogre mages have 2 heads.

the problem with troll priests though is 1. they worship loa’s 2. the only priest like class associated with them are witch doctors which have NOTHING to do with priest lore so technically they would be considered witch doctors and entirely a different class on it’s own not a priest.

with Orcs you can say that ogres taught them and yes there are some good ogre’s or you know beneficial ones where they may be neutral hell just look at rexxar he is half ogre.

All trolls worship Loa, Priests, Shamans, etc. Shamans worship Loa of primal elements, Priests worship loa of Light and Dark, Druid worship Wild god loa.

Nobody has eaten a bigger sparkly rock than me.

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orcs are stupid as heck.

I don’t remember Orc racials including illiteracy.

Orcs should come with a 10% reduction in casting speed, a chance for (arcane) spells to fail, and for fire spells to deal 15% more damaage at the cost of doing 50% to the caster.

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Best orc mage name ive seen is howmagicwork

Oh wow I didn’t know orc mages could be a thing! So can Kul Tiran priests. The more you know!

I’m not a fan of Orc Magi either, but if they can be Warlocks, why can’t they be Magi?

Just different paths of training and study. Warlocks are just magi that disregard any rules forbidding study and use of certain magics and rituals.

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Nah, in reality, the demon is using the orc.

I would straight up play one as a ex-twilight hammer cultist if I needed some story tied behind it. Arcane and shadow magic are tied together I do believe.


Orc Magi represent!


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That’s me btw. ^

Orc makes a good fire mage.

I like this idea. Actually I have been telling myself to think of a story since I play on an RP server… this gives me an idea.

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We need Orc Paladins

Well I recall there was a WoW Vanilla book that had a human mage talk about how he thinks orcs were too unintelligent to learn magic, which in hingsight does feel slightly…racist?

In any case, we do know some orcs are smart/scholarly. I don’t think them learning arcane magic is impossible.

Assuming we ever go back to Draenor and Yrel that might someday be a thing.

Not a big difference, really. Being a mage is like being a warlock, only you make muffins and cupcakes instead of destruction.