So NOW we can complain about changes that increase game time

Isnt there already a mega thread for this BS?

There are multiple threads touching on different aspects. Even Blizzard chose to start new threads for their responses, rather than respond to any of the existing ones. Itā€™s just a mess.

No, a low drop rate didnā€™t bring me a sense of reward when I finally got the mounts that I had been farming for years.

Each time, it was a sense of relief that I no longer had to do that raid or dungeon ever again, unless I then wanted transmog or pets.

The only mount that was actually a reward for farming it was Ashes of Alar because I had wanted that mount ever since I saw a blood elf riding it in Shattrath, back in BC. I had given up on it ever dropping, but continued to do it most weeks on at least this hunter, but sometimes more toons; it was in my warlockā€™s bags for 2 weeks and I didnā€™t notice until I was cleaning them in order to go run it again.

Even my Onyxia drop - which was one of the lowest at 78 tries if memory serves me - was a relief. (1.5 years to get it.) Invincible? You probably heard me sigh across the world and thought it was the wind because it was so loud since I had been farming it so long on multiple toons.

There is no reason other than extending time played for mount drops to be so low, and for portals to be removed. Farming mounts for literally years isnā€™t fun. Taking longer to get around in WoW isnā€™t fun. Removal of quality of life items which have been in the game for a decade isnā€™t fun.



It seems the white knights forget about this and only look at the reward as something grand, when they are forgetting someone like me who has all but given up running raids and dungeons that take more than 5 minutes due to the little amount of rewards I have received over a 10 year play time.

And yes as I stated in my OP, there are probably 100ā€™s of these posts, the more we post the more hopefully we donā€™t get ignored.

1 minute here, 1 minute there, an additional 5 minutes over the next 3 years, what next, permanent no flying? When does it stop? When does their bigger picture of increasing play time stop and finally start allowing us to actually enjoy what we have already?

I just came out of The Eye on my DK, I done nothing in there other than kill the bird at the start. I ran to the end boss after that, put my pets on attack mode and left it for 10 minutes. I spent more time getting to the place than I did actually doing anything in there because I am so sick of doing it.

People resort to dirty tactics, like the guys I know who used to play this game getting banned for botting because they cannot really be bothered sitting for hours each week fishing in BfA for the water mount.