So now that Horde and Alliance can be guildies

I am still mad that people left the Alliance over racials. Yes I remember the mass exodus of people moving from the Alliance just over racials.

It was so pathetic, that over the zandalari being able to heal back to full hp at the time during BfA that apparently queued a bunch of people that they now need to reroll to Horde and make a Zandalaro Troll for some competitive edge.

In the end I think it’s alright to take advantage of what you can, but you know, it just shows that people arent actually looking to have fun in the game instead everyone just wants to rush to the win and it’s not correct.

I think losing should be a part of the game, and people should start embracing failure more instead of doing gnarly stuff to win that just robs them of a valuable experience

This was a channel that could be broken with damage. I’m not sure why anyone would move for it.

And Alliance have some pretty strong racials themselves.

Because Zandalri trolls could be paladins, thats why, if you use divine shield you could use the racial without issue. It was messed up people were nuts back then, theyre still nuts.

Think you should see a therapist about that one :smiley:

Well shattering throw or mass dispel would solve that.

Who is this “everyone?” Because my friends raid for fun. No one cares what race they are. That’s a RWF problem. Not a casual raiding problem.

Dwarves and Dark Irons for a couple. Brewa talks about this all the time.

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I don’t think this ever happened. People definitely freaked out over that it could be busted, but not a ton of zandalari players around if you haven’t noticed.

What did happen during BfA tho was that darkspear trolls “voodoo shuffle” gave them a notable edge in the jaina fight since it was possible for them to reset their stacks because of the reduced duration.
Now that said, not many people outside the bleeding edge 1% swapped for that either.

The shift from alliance to horde happened LONG before BfA, it started in BC with blood elves.

It did, there were also multiple streamers who made hours long videos on the topic, specifically those who pvp.

WTB new guild. PST.

Nervously looks at Stoneform and Shadowmeld.

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