So nothing new again for a seasonal event- Lunar Festival

It’s not like holidays in real life are always different; Halloween is still Halloween, Christmas is still Christmas.

FF14 and SWTOR tend to do ‘the same thing’ for their holidays and no one seems to bat an eye…

And that’s why this is a game :slight_smile:

There’s other examples on which they provide more things, also it’s not only about new things each year but the replayability , for example Overwatch has the Mei’s vs Yeti 4-1, the snowball fight for years but it´s a good change of gameplay during that season,.

However the ideas implemented for holidays so far doesn’t provide good replayability on WoW. They could implement some WQ with gold or any other reward, pvp brawls for holidays, more special bosses with loot or a whole dungeon that changes ilvl each year.

PS: Also this is WoW forums, idk if there’s someone on FF14/SWTOR asking for updates or something new, i don’t play those games, i tried FF14 and i reach HW before the free trial restrictions.

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I remember a long time ago when they announced that they had assembled a special team just for holidays and so that each holiday would be updated with fun stuff. I think that team lasted maybe two months before disappearing forever, heh.


Ok i didn’t hear anything about that kind of team, that’s sad.


What people? Who plays an MMORPG to finish holiday fun stuff permanently that’s yearly?


Hahaha well there’s people for everything so there’s some players that don’t want new things :frowning: but i think it’s something needed for this game and maybe some ideas that have replayability each year like cool brawls and solo challenges for pve or world quest with holiday aesthethic.


Untrue. Every holiday FF14 adds new items and a new little quests to do. Every single one. The only exception are the collab events. Those they just do repeat. I guess also the Moogle Tomestone events they run leading up to major patches. Those don’t have questlines, but they usually do change the dungeons needed for the currency and cycle in different items from the last one.

For Halloween this year FF14 added a new outfit, facepaint, some housing items, a new little event dungeon with a questline leading up to it, and new forms you could transform into into the normal haunted mansion. For Christmas they added a new questline, two new pets, and a new housing item. For the Lunar New Year they added a new questline, two tiger themed hats, and a housing item. That’s just this year so far.

Er, and for anyone wondering why Halloween was so late… It was always planned to be released after the expansion and thus late to begin with, and the expac being late delayed it further. Something about them wanting to wait for the new stat squish before they released the event dungeon.

Edit: I can’t speak about SWTOR though. That I have never played.

Second Edit: Oh right, the Christmas event didn’t lead into the new year. Okay… So that just leaves their New Year event and Halloween event as events that had new stuff this year. My bad.


Thanks for your input because i left the free trial when FF14 put restrictions due to the server issues, at least i got a car and polar bear from previous events, which were cool to see deterministic mounts compared to the low rng on seasonal mounts on WoW.

At least from what i hear from my friends, there’s more replayability on FF14 events, WoW design for those events that’s really old doesn´t provide a good gameplay.


It’s down to the design philosophy. WoW designed its events around you grinding an instance for a extremely low drop rate mount. FF14 designs its events around something fun you can do to go get some new, easy to get rewards. They don’t try to artificially keep you there. They just give you a entertaining little questline, and a bunch of stuff you can earn without really any hassle. They want you to just have fun.

Also thankfully the server issues might be easing up a bit soon. They released a new Oceanic server, which helped a little. They’re releasing a new NA server in a few months, which will help more.

Anyway, back to the point though… I wish Blizz would just design things to be fun sometimes. Not around how much time it will take to get it, or how low a drop rate is, but just fun stuff you can do and not have to grind endlessly for.


Perfect example is All Clowns Wake that is up in FF14 right now. That dungeon was fun!


True, but there’s already so many players here with a mentality that rare things are provided by low RNG, which is true, somethings are rare due to that but it’s not good or fun gameplay.

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I would be happy with additional content and rewards.

Would not be happy with an update or revamp or anything involving changes.

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True new things, keep the old things still like they are but bring new rewards.

Something like keep candy from inkeepers but also provide candy or a new thing on World Quest around the world for new items at the vendor.


Before squish I used to run these on alts for the xp. They used to be nice xp so they had that.

Squish changed that.

thank you squish…/s.


Blizzard is not out to do their best by WoW.

That’s simply not in their plan.

All of what they’ve done of late is to reduce workloads and get away with all the lazy game design and story choices that they can.

To whit:

  • By destroying Teldrassil and Undercity, less work.
  • Kalimdor going only Horde and Eastern Kingdoms only Alliance, lazy, less work.
  • Zovaal’s story didn’t even make it in game? It’s in a book. That may never be released. Lazy, boring and easy choices.
  • The ongoing story and retcons to force SL into the currently abysmally poorly designed state? UTTERLY lazy, uninspired and tepid attempts at FORCING lore along, rather than building it in a consistently healthy and respectful way towards prior lore and story.

No, Blizzard does not care about WoW.


Especially since many of the holiday specific rewards are only bought with a day or two left in the holiday after spending the holiday earning enough for them.


Again, Blizzard does not view players as customers.

They seem to view us, their players, as Vagrants they must let in to pay their bills, and spoil their game by playing it our way as both individuals and as an overall community.


I do not think new rewards are needed for most holiday events its good to have everything from them done

How ever! things like the fast leveling AV they had or rep gains in holiday events is a big yes


All depends on the design:

  • If it’s something for only 1 year, the player will feel force to do it.

  • If it’s something behind a big grind, the player will feel that’s a big wall.

  • If it’s something behidn a low RNG, well it’s just a lottery.

They can desing a determinisitic reward like Overwatch or the current things that we’ve on vendors and you can get those this year or next one without pressure.

I won’t say fast leveling because they don’t want that, but maybe a new brawl with powers related to the event, maybe a whole dungeon that you can level on that one too or solo challenge, that you can play it again any year. Something fun.

Correct me if i’m wrong but i think that players who don’t want something new it’s because the grind for all the previous things left them with a bad taste

I’m the opposite. I find it boring that nothing new is ever added.

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