So, No "Fresh" Cata Servers it appears?

Sorry you went through this. But this part is inaccurate upon announcing new fresh servers for wrath blizzard announced that the boost would be disabled and in 6 months they would reevaluate to see if they would allow it.

The free transfers i believe happened once the retailers left for dragonflight and the casuals found out it was too long to lvl 1 to 80 and ultimately quit which started lowering the population of the server.

No way blizzard ooened free transfers off a server to allow them to use boosts when they could have unlocked the boosts on the server and then got that sweet transfer money. Or the player could have picked another realm and boosted a character.

hmmm… thats what i was told when i asked why everyone was leaving, i never bought any boost pack so i just assumed what everyone told me why they were leaving for the other realms was believeable.

many of the sister horde guilds said they are leaving since bliz refused to honor what they said that you could use the boosts, all by myself left the realm initially so everyone in my guild that bought the boosts could use them on altkandiland(whatever it was spelled) and same for the alliance side characters (they went to westfall)

anyways… i am not going to roll on a fresh cata realm, done that whole starting over fresh thing and that just isnt for me in the end (although I did have a great time leveling up on my hordies to max level/raiding)

They did say leveling would be enhanced this time around, so maybe that will be a buffer for some of these issues

They have already clarified that they are going to speed up 60-80 aka “not Cata zones”

Can you give a link for that?

I can only remember them saying something like an ‘improved leveling experience’…which I assumed was just a reference to the Azeroth revamp.

I think it was the interview with sarthe? Could look it up and edit when I find it. Was def a spoken interview during Blizzcon

That’s a shame, though it will save me subbing for longer than the odd month occasionally until WW is launched (on that note I can’t get out of DF fast enough)

The improved leveling experience is they are going to reduce the experience that 1-60 quests give so new players get to actually experience the new content while increasing the experience from 61-80 quests since it is old content.

In practice the speed of leveling will remain the same, just instead of it being ‘linear’ you have a slower 1-60 but a much faster 61-80.

It’s a really good move. Current players already have full Heirlooms so the change shouldn’t impact leveling speeds, but it will allow new players coming back to the game or just arriving for Cata to be able to level through new Azeroth at a pace that is more fitting for a zone-to-zone speed.

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Fresh servers were great for the first 3 months of WoTLK. Allowing cross server transfers was an incredibly dumb decision.