and i got criticism. sorry folks, but if you were expecting positive feedback, well… first off, you probably should’nt be going to forums for positivity, not the best decision there. but anyway…
the questing greens… leather looks fine. not great, but fine imo. servicable.
cloth? looks like a forgotten raid-set from an older expansion. it’s not terrible, but like… this is the questing armor?
the plate set looks like raid armor also, but it looks like what the paladins should be getting for season 1 (which honestly, i don’t wanna get into the season 1 armors, but paladins once-again are looking ridiculous.).
and the mail set… is just infuriating. it looks like plate. it looks like a mixture of the amirdrassil warrior-set, and the questing-green plate from dragonflight. it just… does’nt look right for mail. it looks too heavy. i mean, i can’t picture a hunter, shaman, or evoker in that crap, it’s that heavy looking, like… holy smokes.
i know, i’m part of the vocal section of the playerbase, but guys… guys… what are you doing down there? the armor looks nice, but it looks out of place, wrong, like it was pulled from some other game, instead of WoW.
tl:dr, it looks overdesigned, and the mail set looks like plate. plain and simple.
I think the sets look better than the tier ones, and I don’t think the mail set looks really anywhere close to my rip off Juggernaut tier set.
100% disagree. Greens and blues looking GREAT! Plus as a Hunter, this is the second time I feel drawn to actually wear a mail set.
Now, all the other class sets? Yeah I agree with you, I cannot say I liked any of the sets presented so far. They feel very generic and dull. Big no for me.
Better then most tier sets, to be honest.
Eesh, they can’t give me silhouettes like DF S2 Priest Tier and mini skirts and expect me to go back to those old style tobes.
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I am pleasantly surprised with all of the green armor sets.
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It’s like the best mail set ever in the game!
These particular sets are the best looking ones, the cloth and plate sets especially feel very scarlet crusade-y.
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Scarlet Crusade sounds intensify. That red mail set on a human survival hunter with a mastiff pet.
They gotta drop the weight restrictions <.<
The questing armor being transmog-worthy is a good sign. As for comparing the mail questing set to Dragonflight stuff… Well, the helmet style isn’t that different from the mail set we currently have (just with a smaller profile and no horns)
With the most ‘platey’ part being possibly the shoulders while the legs and boots are going with that plunderstorm look (which I like) though an argument could be made that the chest is too platey but they did throw on oversized stylistic rings to maybe call to the idea of fantasy ringmail.
It is very Arathor-y, I guess.
I wonder what’s with the stupid vials and grenades. That’s the only part I don’t like.
The mail and plate look incredible. The leather and cloth have a couple of good looking pieces but I agree the cloth and leather heads look silly
Which isn’t saying much tbh
I’m surprised to say this, but as first glance, I don’t dislike any of them. Might change when I start getting them and depending what alt I’m on, but as of right now, I don’t mind any of them.
IDK…i may be rockin’ the evoker set forever at this point for TWW
I’m in love with the Arathor Mail and Plate sets.
The questing gear looks better than the tier sets lol.
. . . What are you talking about, that arathi gear absolutely SLAPS and I will die on this hill. Also hoping to see even more dwarven motif sets like the stormrider armor.
The leather set is a little goofy, but the rest look great. I might be disappointed once I try mogging them on my dwarves and tauren