So much whining about these tbc boosts

get over it. sorry people do not want to go through all the trouble of lvling playing old boring classic content that the majority of the community is sick of. many of my friends are only coming back because of the boosts. and on another note, people who want fresh tbc servers not a chance. if i lost all my work and progress with all my characters and had to make them stay on a classic server and start from scratch in tbc, re-lvl and farm i would have quit. so yea all you angry nerds about boosts and no fresh servers l2p


TBC is also classic content… and you still have to level.


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Quite true, but sadly some people (including Blizzard themselves) have adopted the Retail mindset that the only relevant content is at max. Back in TBC questing in Azeroth was still a huge part of the game. It’s where friendships were made, where communities were created. It was as essential a part of the journey as any other aspect.

Of course that hasn’t been true in WoW for…10 years now. So basically Blizz is running TBC as if it was Shadowlands, with the same values and game philosophy. Which is sad. I won’t be playing TBC as they take the game down the same path that destroyed it the first time. I’m just hopeful for a fresh Classic eternal server. That’s all that’s left for me in WoW.


Literally no one is asking that all servers be fresh start. They’re asking for new servers. Where they’ll summarily leave you on your dead server, because the overwhelming majority don’t want the entire trajectory of the TBC economy to be dictated by people who spent the last year no lifing classic.

Yea I’m starting to think the same thing.

I’m not going to lie, when I was leveling from 1-5 I thought the game was terrible… I was like what I press 2 buttons this is RETARDED. But then when i got a few more abilities and realized what the game was about i was like omg, best game ever made. I’m not saying it’s not funner at max level, I’m sure it is funner at max level. However, you have an entire 2 continent world, that was such a huge part of the experience that will just not be important anymore and ya know that bothers me.

Worst thing! I was looking forward to tbc.

I’ll tell you why they won’t do it.

Will there be a massive influx of retail players who want to play tbc? Absolutely. Will they buy boosts? Yep. Will they rush through the content as fast as possible with the most op race combined with most op class? Yep. Will they rush to forums to tell people how easy it is? Yep. Will they complain in ridiculous amounts about how content isn’t released fast enough? Yep.

Here’s what would happen if they released non-boostable fresh servers. Massive amounts of players would influx to these fresh servers, and then a massive influx of retail players would influx to the others… then the boostable servers would be dead 2 months later, whilst all fresh non boost servers are high pop all year long.

Blizzard knows this.

I’m not surprised by the players’ response. Most of these players didn’t play the game back in Vanilla or TBC. They…don’t know any better. They didn’t experience the game when leveling was THE game for the majority of players. So of course they cheer when things like boosts are added. That’s all they’ve ever known: rush to max and then the game starts.

My surprise comes from Blizzard’s response where they actually officially validated that reasoning. They clearly have no idea where this game went wrong, or why. Isn’t it amazing how at the same time they started adding all these conveniences and QoL features in late Wrath and into Cata and beyond that the mass casual audience left by the millions? Because they sucked what originally drew players to an mmo (social interaction, rp elements, immersion) out of the game in favor of convenience, balance, and ‘fairness’. Those things that forum posters obsess over, but the silent majority couldn’t care less about.

But it is what it is. So either the Classic devs are utterly clueless, or they looked at the Classic data and figured that those old style players didn’t come back in enough quantity to warrant keeping to the authenticity doctrine. Therefore they just decided might as well appeal to the Modern WoW Player. Which turns Classic TBC into a cash cow. Where Classic kind of flew under the radar now they see $$$$ with TBC, Wrath and beyond. So that’s how it’s going to be run. And that’s why I’m running from it.


I do not like the paid boosts, mostly because it makes it far too easy for bots to get back up and running after their ban.

But that’s not what I’m talking about. I want fresh servers with no transfers. So what you make, is what you have. No one with 30k gold waiting to buy everything on the AH.

That’s interesting that you mention that the casual players leaving in the masses because I remember specifically in wotlk, where guilds started dropping like flies. The majority of my guild just seemed to disappear. Where’d they go? They faction changed and server changed to go join the grassier fields of the more progressive servers, they felt that their server and their guilds weren’t serious enough.

Who knows what happened after that? I mean, some of the guys i knew I still talk to. They are still running around looking for a wow home ya know. 13 years later… still searching for that perfect server for their wow glory.

Some of the people I’ve met along the way that still play the game after all years actually support the QOL changes. Some of them have a very negative outlook on things like leveling. But the time has to go somewhere. There has to be a sink. Where it’s spend 6 hours a day grinding out bgs or running around a stupid island with people you don’t know 2 shotting everything in sight for a few currency badges.

I guess some people like currency badges more than selling minerals who knows?

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sadly :stuck_out_tongue: lol

mark my words that without fresh (and with boosts) tbc is going to be 2 months before massive raid logging

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The year is 2042, after a massive community outcry, blizzard decides to hear the masses and release Classic TBC Classic.

After recognizing that no one likes to look for a tank for hours they decided to re-release the classic game with dungeon finder.

Yeah, Classic TBC Classic is re-releasing with dungeon finder, get over it.