So much for tuning in progress. Looks like they're done for awhile

Sorry if your spec sucks. You’re going to remain bad.

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Based on what? I’d bet my car that there’s going to be more tuning after mythic Nathria is out.


You don’t know this… just in the first few days they literally made 3, or was it 4, waves of hotfixes and yes, the class adjustments.

For all we know, this is their new style of more frequent, smaller buffs and nerfs instead of going HAM and wildly overreacting one week of data.

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Yep, I remember blizzard specifically saying that they’re done balancing anything with that patch

I don’t know. I’m a fire mage and with my covenant being Fae (very helpful), I’m usually 1st or 2nd on the DPS chart and my gear is really bad right now.

They’ll probably wait til after the WF race, so maybe early Jan.

Unless something is flat out broken, but they’ll be too busy fixing mythic to do class tuning.

That honestly just means you’re either playing with all classes that are below you, or people who you are playing with who have classes that are doing better are playing poorly.

At least for raiding, Fire is top tier for M+, wonder how long they’ll allow combustion to cause the NF ability to crit haha.

That’s not at all what it means. I’m not playing with anyone that’s, “bad.” The game has been out since 2004 and most often than not, everyone knows what they’re doing.

Are you trying to say they aren’t tuning? This says differently:

Evidently they think that’s all that’s needed now. Sorry you don’t agree.

Who said that? I read the hot fix and didn’t see that.

It should have never been released until they had the basics of classes tuned. SMH…

Blizz fan boys however think differently. They think they’ll ACTUALLY balance more. Guess people with bad specs will have to wait MONTHS to get tuned again.

That is what it means, fire is literally

6th on shriekwing
19th on huntsman
8th on Hungering
11th on Sun King’s
9th on Artificer
8th on Council
8th on Sludgefist
17th on Stone Legion
and Sire doesn’t have enough logs

If you’re 1st or 2nd on meters you’re literally either playing with classes who are below you or you’re outplaying the people you play with.