So Much Anger

Anyone having fun and enjoying the game? Forum seem to be exploding with angry posts. Sending positive vibes to everyone. Remember what Bob said, don’t worry, be happy. This is not a bash toward anyone because I believe constructive criticism is a good thing. This is just a friendly reminder to not let things get to you, especially frogs and pandas. :frog: :panda_face:

The sha of anger will manifest if we continue. Remember what you were taught in your journeys in Pandaria


OMG yes please! I’d love to summon some evil monster to help me get out of some jams.


Oh trust me, if the Sha were real, they would’ve manifested 10 times over just from the posts in this forum the last few days.


Well, you see, the things that Pandaria is currently teaching people are the reason for all of the anger. :stuck_out_tongue:


Anger is so useful <3 Name another emotion that causes as much change as anger does!


The only things I have ever complained about with any time in WoW is how they develop certain gaming elements that totally disrespect our time put in.

My number #1 hot button and still angry to this day: 40% loss on sending Honor to an alt

I grind 10k honor and can only send 6k of that to my alt. the other is literally LOST!

I freakign earned it… I spent hours and hours earning it and if I want to send honor to an alt I take a 40% hit!? Like I just imagine them sitting around a table justifying that and it just kills me. So many decisiosn are similar to this also and as much time as I have put into this game I do NOT deserve that kind of thinking.



The forums have always been infested with forumites.


The only thing more useful than anger is total unadulterated butthurt.


If people played for fun and not for rewards it would be a different kind of story


Minimal. The only fun I have is being with friends.

Retail deleted our content bracket and Remix is underwhelming and not as advertised. Not surprising, but still disappointing.

I am having a blast melting everything that gets in my remix path. The only death I’ve had was trying to tame the porcupine. Gotta remember to slow, and stop that heal.

I mean it kind of makes sense; most people who are loving the game are just playing not coming here.

I happen to be working most of the time, so I like to talk about WoW and I can do that here llol without (too much) complaining since my friends don’t play.

That being said, I’m having fun in retail. I’m just not a big alt-person, and while I do like many of the mogs panda offers… it’s not worth the very limited game time I get lol. That plus D4’s new season is pretty neat imo.


But I do agree, these are not ‘good’ emotions to feel, but I do find them to be the most motivating. Shame gets me going most of the time.


I am having fun, but, I am just doing remix for mounts and some mogs, not progression or anything so that could be why. I can understand those upset if they are using remix to progress or min/max.

I am.

My blood elf death knight has almost achieved Crusader status, my human hunter is almost ready to travel to Argus and my Remix troll mage has (a) enabled me to see the Horde side of the story, (b) given me a new perspective on how to play a mage and (c) made me a GOD!

While there are some legitimate complaints, like the scaling and naked characters and gear upgrades vs cosmetics issue, most of it is just confetti.

It’s end of season, folks are bored and being outraged gets more attention than being pleased or appreciative these days. :woman_shrugging: Comes from soft living.

I will do my best to control the power of sha just like my warchief did

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Anger, hatred, fear. These are the weapons of a gamer. The symbols of a WoW player.

Honestly, i don’t remember the last time i had fun in WoW or felt anything other than hatred and anger towards it.

All i do remember is listening to Garrosh’s speech every single day for the last 8+ years.


That’s what they do here. You’re almost 1k posts in and just noticing this?

Soon as I stopped caring about endgame, the game got more enjoyable to me.

I do miss having a solid raid group of friends, but the social aspect of the game died for me about a decade ago. You people are where I get my WoW conversations.


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I’m having a good time, but I’m just playing casual retail. Just been rotating through various characters and enjoying the very fast and easy gear progression on fresh characters and jumping into 0s/+2s to get an idea for what feels good to play right now.

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