So more dogs, when?

like come on, i want more puppy options as hunter pets!

Maybe a good boy like a husky or somethin different? like idk a magic chihuahua that shoots arcane slobber!

idk, i just want more dog options! tired of wolf and 1 dog, and i can’t ask a worgen to be my hunter pet, cause that’d get weird…
Tho i admit ducks are nice too


What is this, world of doggocraft?


We only have 1 tame-able dog!


And it’s a mastiff, not a German Shorthaired Pointer like a proper hunting dog should be.

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This is an important issue.

Having the ancient mastiff model and the darkhound is just not enough doggy companionship for hunters.

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Hawkéns and his faithful killer Corgi named Bob. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

After the debacle of the poop flinging monkey pets back in Cata, I sadly doubt this will happen :frowning:

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not gonna ask about that…

His name is Sergeant Cocoa!

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I hereby request/demand husky hunter pets, husky battle pets, husky mounts, and a husky skin for the Vulpera.


You can use my huskies as models.

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