So moonkin swaps you out of tree of life

So moonkin form swaps you out of tree of life… Its super clunky. Please do something about this. I dont want to be swapped out of tree of life for wrathing during tree but want to take moonkin form in general. Maybe they can make it where moonkin doesnt not make you switch forms if you have tree of life up.


Drop Fluid Form and you’ll be good to go.

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Yeah but I want both, lol, just dont want to swap out in tree form.

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Then you can’t use fluid form. That’s the part of the problem. This needs fixed

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Its not.

Incarn is a buff. You can swap in and out of tree form at will without losing your buff.


taking fluid form and moonkin form means you cannot do damage in tree form without each wrath/starfire switching you to moon kin form, where you will then lose the instant cast wrath and wrath bonus damage of tree form.


There is no way you cant see the problem with this right? You lose 50% damage and a 1.5second gcd + 1second cast time everytime you press wrath in tree form.

Might be intentional. Im not sure about the defensives offered by moonkin form in comparison to tree form (armor percentages and such) but they might not want double dipping. If you dont have the talent its a non issue but I can see why people would be annoyed.

I always thought fluid form shouldve worked with moonfire/sunfire instead of wrath/starfire… (at least for moonkin/resto)

This would mostly kinda solve it right? I mean you couldn’t cast moonfire or sunfire but assumedly you would already have those up.

This… kind of reverse-synergy doesn’t feel like it’s intended. They did fix the Lycara’s Meditation issue that created a weird situation with shapeshifting, so hopefully they’ll change Fluid Form to not work on ToL buffed Wraths, because that’s actually the only moment where Resto can be actually bursty with their dps when you take Incarnation.

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