So marksmanship is losing pets LOL is that a joke?

They won’t change course… They will do this no matter what.

I still wish Blizzard would have refrained from removing Hunters ability to switch back and forth between ranged and melee in any spec, instead they made survival melee… Now I get to build an entire new set of gear so I can switch specs to Survival? Yeah… nope.

Blizzard has their “vision” which seems to disregard player feedback. Out of all the threads on this topic I have seen a couple people supporting the change with many not…

Blizzard… stop this and focus on improving Lone Wolf.


It became used, how popular? No one knows, or do you with facts and numbers?
It’s used because hunter didn’t have much choice esp in higher content.
Blizz created this and they can make it right by hunters who want to use our pets.
It did NOT become the ‘fantasy of mm’.


I’m one of those people. Dark age of Camelot, I was a Ranger wwith stealth and no pets. When I was in Shadowbane, I was a Scout, with a bow, stealth, and running fast with no pets. When I was in Lineage 2, I was a Dark Ranger and had no pets. When I was in multiple of other MMOs I never had a pet.

Only WoW has ever added a pet like this to a Hunter like class. Survival, as much as I loathe and hate what they did to that spec there is precedence for it in that Norse (and others) used to hunt bears in caves with spears and dogs.

Marks on the flip side, I welcome what is coming.

Well we also used to be a RANGED class but survival exists. I wasn’t a fan of that one but here we are.

And no, classic melee hunter was never a real thing. It was super niche and only any good vs rogues or other hunters not specced the same way.


My guild removed someone from a 40 man raid because he insisted on being melee, that’s how bad it was.


Because different specs should have different play styles

I like my pet?


If you like your pet, there’s the beast mastery spec. Which is all about your pets and making them awesome.

And is also horrible to play. I like marks but I also like having my pet around. Most content doesn’t demand I minmax to the point where lone wolf is required to complete it.


I think once they let us set our pet specs again, BM won’t be so bad. But if there are other grievances with it, perhaps advocate for the spec to be improved?

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Are you speaking from someone who has played both and understand the difference between how they MM and BM work?
BM-Do I want my many pets to do most of the damage? With Hunter doing little to feel like they are doing much?
MM-Do I want my pet to provide a helper to my main damage?
It’s a huge difference in gameplay. It matters to me.


That’s kind of the whole point of BM, your pets are supposed to be awesome and you are there to inspire/buff/control/lead your pets into battle.

Well, Blizz is saying “Let’s make it so that MM won’t even need a pet, and instead, have a trusty eagle that is more integrated into the gameplay”.

I mean, don’t knock it until you’ve at least allowed them to show you an idea of what they have in the works. It’s probably a total spec overhaul. It could be the coolest thing ever.

We don’t mind the spec overhaul. WE mind loosing acccess to our pets that are in the Stables that we’ve had for years.

Instead of Dawnstrike, or Ashbringer (My two favorite pets) being available to me in MM (AS they have for 15 of my 17 years) I am now getting Generic Eagle #7 to replace them. With no option.

I’m either told, dismissively, “Go Player another spec” or “Don’t worry, it’ll be fine. You’ll love your Generic Eagle #7” or the “Go play another class” or the “Just quit then.”

I want to be able to use Dawnstrike. Or Ashbringer. Or any of the other myriad of pets I have in my stables with MM like I have for 15 of 17 years.

and its all caused by a singular minor talent node choice of Lone Wolf.


Again, speaking from a position of personally liking the proposed changes, but MM will have no option to utilize their pet. That’s what’s causing issues for some people. The eagle will outright replace any baseline pet function.

"New Passive: Eyes in the Sky – Gain the aid of a Spotting Eagle.

Replaces Call Pet and all associated Pet abilities. Learned at level 13."

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And yes, I know that’s why people are up in arms, but really the people have the choice of just simply playing BM.

It’s OK to change specs, it’s OK to try a new (if you’ve not played it before) spec.

I highly doubt that’s the only reason. They probably saw how the spec doesn’t really make sense as a whole and is lacking uniqueness and decided they’d fix that.

To be honest, I kinda feel that Warlock has the same problem. You have a Demonology spec… and then you have the other two but they still use demons, kinda-sorta. I’d be in favor of doing the same thing to those 2 specs, get rid of the demons, make them Demonology-only and rework the specs to instead go without “pets” (demons) at all.

Why not just make me a shadow mage then? Destroy the entire fantasy of being a Warlock, controlling demons.

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What if you instead became part demon yourself? /shrug

Warlock is not necessarily about controlling demons, it’s about controlling demonic energy. Demonologists do that by summoning them, sure. But the other two specs could merely harness the energy from demons to do stuff? I dunno. Either way, the demons of at least Destro seem “tacked-on” and barely have any reason to be there except for solo.

Except for the infernal summon, but that’s an outlier.

The imp adds to DPS, sure, but that’s all it does. It just throws fireballs for a small slice of DPS. It doesn’t change your gameplay, heck sometimes if I get killed I forget to resummon the stupid thing, etc. The only reason a Destro cares about their pet, is if they’re solo they’ll call their blueberry out to keep mobs off them while solo. Otherwise, the stupid pet might as well not be there.

I respectively disagree, and the day they attempt this type of change of removing my demons from my other specs, will be the final straw.

My Demons have been apart of my character since Day 1. They are apart of Phen. Removing then, well you might as well just go ahead and delete my character. Cause you removed major portions of it.

They also already tried the turning into a demon thing with Metamorphosis, it was removed and given to Demon Hunters.


the previous 1k-long reply thread wasn’t enough you had to make another one?

Goodness forbid they make MM Hunter pets specialize in Utility and also improve Lone Wolf giving both parties what they want… No no…we want to remove one play preference entirely in favor of a portion of the MM population rather than making both preferences viable.

It makes no sense at all… Why do people that want a sniper/Ranger playstyle persist that pets must be removed to achieve that? Are options that disruptive to Rangers… I thought they were adaptive by nature?