So marksmanship is losing pets LOL is that a joke?

Lone Wolf: Your chosen pet takes on a combat support role instead of a damage role.

Blizz, is this so hard?

I mean if we gotta rename “Lone Wolf” after, no big deal.


I don’t want any pet at all.

Rets dont wear shields. Never have. I mean you can, but you have none of the mitigation of prot. So it’s not the same. It would be like taking away a key ability. Like Hammer of Wrath.

No, they worked well. Especially in solo content. DGAF about groups/raids. With solo content being more prevalent (open world/delves), I want my pet. And no, I do not want to use BM.

And unlike Nuwala, I use volley, salvo, explosive shot, implosion, multi shot/aimed shot with trick shots for AOE (after MD).

BM has??? Beast cleave which does less damage and needs more to keep it going.

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One of a few reasons why I switched to MM at one point was because of being blamed in raids/dungeons for my pet’s behavior. Maybe I couldn’t pay attention enough, maybe I was getting blamed unfairly. But when lone wolf came out I thought this could be a nice way to eliminate my inability to pay attention or buggy behavior. Yet at least 3 more times I was blamed for my pet when I went lone wolf. lol


Mm was always the lone wolf spec for hunter, and now that they have given more utility to mm so they won’t need a pet why even keep it?

good, finally.

I worry about re-works… BM was ‘re-worked’ into the worst AoE in game, getting beat out by tanks until they finally made it mediocre again. Pack Leader (the best hunter fantasy imo) flopped harder than a Disney live-action adaptation, so it’s also back into the sandbox. Anyone else feel like we used to have to wait till the .3 patch for the game to NOT be awful, now we’re doing the same for specs?

I suggest bringing this to the hunter forums.

In terms of ways to fix this problem without removing pets, they could add a new petless hero track, a new petless spec, or just go all out and make a new petless ranged class.


No it wasn’t. It was added in years later as an option.


Which became overwhelmingly popular so it became the fantasy of the spec.

And how much of that popularity was due to the damage buff?


You could always choose to be worse and keep your pet, that IS a choice. Now you can’t even do that.


They made a petless talent. They made it many, many years ago, and there wasn’t a single point during which you ever used your pet since it got introduced.

That would be Marksmanship, except the spec is neither new nor newly “petless.”

Otherwise, Blizzard’s track record of introducing new specs is not good because they tried this with Augmentation and ruined PvE.

That would be Evoker.

It’s not elitist to say that there has literally never been a point for MM to be able to use a pet besides some very fringe pet taunting stuff. Like, Lone Wolf is objectively better than having a pet, proven by the fact that there has literally never been a time since Lone Wolf was introduced where it wasn’t a damage loss to use a pet as MM. That isn’t “what you think is better for someone else,” but rather “what is objectively better for someone else.”

Blizzard didn’t add it out of the clear blue. A not insignificant amount of hunters were asking for way to play mm petless for a long time. Since lone wolf has more or less become a default choice for the spec, it makes sense to just cut out the middleman so to speak so mm hunters don’t need to pull a pet out every time they need to lust for example.

I’ve been using my pet a lot since then.

MM has been able to use a pet this whole time.

They’re a caster class. What some people have been asking for is a second class that uses ranged weapons but doesn’t rely on pets.

Remove the damage bonus from Lone Wolf and let’s see how popular it really is.


I don’t understand why people get asinine like this? Can anyone explain? Is this a parody or do people really act like this in real life?


Objectively from a flat DPS point of view, yes. Utility wise, no.

Well, I mean, you can solo as Arcane (I do myself), but Frost is the most optimal.

The point I was making is that different specs are designed to be good at different things, esp. the Pure DPS classes that don’t have tank or heal specs. Like Sub Rogue is/was (last I’d heard) more designed for PvP.

Frost has more tools that are beneficial for PvP or solo with all the slows and roots.

That’s basically what they’re doing, but rather than adding yet another spec and bloating the class, they’re taking a spec that didn’t really have any special identity and giving it one.

Any special reason why you want to be worse?

And what if you don’t wanna be a caster?

why should people do all that nonsense when it was easier just to MD to pet in solo content and then just kill everything.

All that is just tedious and not why I play a hunter.

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