So many talents in class tree

On one hand, I like it because so many of these talents are a single talent point. On the other hand, I’m wondering how much “watering down” is occurring simply because there’s so many.

Loving many of the changes at first glance though. The extra mobility (particularly via Roll and to reduce Roll’s cooldown) is pretty awesome.

Rip zen pulse, I will miss you. The loss of essence font is sad. I like the reduced points for a lot of the talents but I’m not overly pleased with a lot of this. Might be time to say good-bye to the last 10 years of Mistweaver.

they moved some talents that should’ve been baseline, tuned some talents mostly just to balance the new tree/links, cool mobility and synergetic stuff. don’t think anything really got watered down, looks like almost exclusively buffs.

new zen pulse looks a lot more useful (potentially cool looking) depending on the proc rate. essence font only served to nerf our class because they had to design around it and outside of raid i don’t even think it was used by 99% of the playerbase; it would also be immensely broken considering FW now has mastery procs.

That’s cool for the rest of you, the changes essentially break the way I liked to play the spec. So I’ll probably end up leaving the spec behind after 10+ years if I don’t like the way these changes feel.