So many lua errors

Ever since the last update I’ve been getting lua errors every time I enter a vehicle or any kind of transport such as the portal in theater of pain

If I enter a vehicle in wintergrasp the lua errors go crazy and just count up so fast. They do not stop if I exit the vehicle either, it requires a full ui reload

I’ve checked my add-ons, all are up to date. I use:

Raider IO
Silent World Quests

That’s it. Idk what’s causing these but it’s incredibly annoying.

I even get an error when I log onto the character select screen. It says something about the Blizzard shop set portrait something or other

How do I fix this? It’s so annoying

Plz help :pray:


I’m getting them before I even log in… What you need to do is copy and paste the lua error into a post in the bugs report forum.

the main page has a technical issue post running now.

I get a lot of lua errors that are caused by the stock UI failing.

Not a fix by any means but I always throw this post up whenever people mention errors-

I’ve seen no errors personally but I keep this toggled on at all times ^

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Link your post over onto the Technical Support Forum.

You get all kinds of technical help, often from Blues, there.