So many deaths

All those hunter deaths have to be bots. There is no way.

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People like Ziqo have a lot of ears because he’s a well-known multi-season rank 1 gladiator and people want to test their skills against him. And they know he duels honorably without excessive hidden buffs, uses duel etiquette, etc. If you win you’ll have huge bragging rights.

You’re a nobody and there’s nothing to gain. There’s no meaningful bragging rights for killing a nobody. And a risk you have confederates hiding around you to grief or give hidden buffs.


There are zero gladiators with that name currently playing. Only one who is close is a level 70 mage who began grinding out arena titles in 2015 when the reqs changed to get the titles. And still 0x R1 0x glad. And the other level 70 with that name also is a 0x glad 0x R1. And also, R1 and glad are not the same. Cuz our armory sucks and doesn’t update right at all and doesnt show stuff properly. Been waiting for over a month for one of my toons race change to show up. But still link the multiglad, multi R1 version of that toon.

The armory is glitching. I find diff results on it based on where I am logged in from.

Hunter is top of the list simply because lot of hunters were created.

statistically it would be more informative if they would put in a total number of characters created beside each class…


This data is missing context.

This could be just as easily the data for the most played classes. And the most played classes will obviously be the top the list for most deaths

Blizzard should of really done the numbers with a percentage of classes created when compared to other classes.


hunters would have to be insanely popular for this not to be an indictment on the skill of HC hunters :expressionless:

You just didn’t do your research if you truly have never heard of Ziqo and didn’t check EU not NA.


I just said he isnt a multi rank1 and also a multiglad then. All I said. The US version of the toon has a duelist as highest ever arena rank. The EU version has a challenger as highest ever arena ran, neither one of which is a gladiator.

Rank 1 means you have the custom FoS and the custom arena title of that season that you get to wear forever. Getting glad and getting rank 1 are two entirely separate things.
Most glads dont even come close to getting R1.

I was trying to get them to block me by acting ignorant and I think it worked. Lol he is a S2 R1. And a multiglad. K they hopefully wont see this comment cuz they got me blocked.

Was waiting for that person to actually give proof… but they never did, so very clearly it is another instance of finding out about someone from someone else cuz 100% of what I said was incorrect about that person and they never once refuted my claims. Proof that THEY were the one who was the non knowing one here. You make a claim, then cannot ever back it up… cuz I kinda hinted at it that R1 and glad are different so there would be a FOS and title attached to it… yet they never proved me wrong. Perfect example of yet another WoW player who knows OF a player, but does not know about the player. The majority of what I said was incorrect. But they never once caught on to that and called my bluff for spreading mis information. Yea it is what it is though.

Kinda more proof that you should be who you are, not try to ride off the success of others for your own personal validation. Just cuz you heard of someone? I just proved that they didnt have a clue who they were talking about as they were unable to refute anything that I said. And OFC they are going to turn around and say “I knew that all along…” But if they did…why didnt they speak up earlier about it. Proof that they have heard of someone from someone else, yet my false claims about this person…had zero rebuttals.

can you sort the fake deaths and sort? Asking for a friend

Ziqo is one of the most famous R1 mages currently playing the game. Venruki, Xaryu, Raiku, Ziqo, Cartoonz, Noliferqt…

Ziqo is like an 21-time R1 Glad, commentator and tournament competitor. Often plays under the name Blacklizard, too.


Define “excessive” buffs. And all these top duelists are using engi and various world/quest items. This notion that there is duel etiquette is ridiculous. All it seems to be is whatever is sufficient to allow the player with the louder voice to win the match or complain mightily that “they was robbed” when they lose.

Yea if you saw what I said to the person I was talking to. And I kept telling them that they had heard of them, but had zero clue who they were. Thats why I kept saying he never had gotten any of that stuff. Cuz if that person actually knew what they were talking about…they would have responded in much the manner that you did. Like as when I said he was 0 time glad…they didn’t even have any evidence to refute me. So as I told them, they heard of them from someone who knew who they are. They themselves had zero clue who that person was. They very clearly heard the name thrown around. But yea funny how they very clearly had to ask you to help them describe who that person was. yet another case of throwing out random names and then not knowing what they are talking about… look how they refuted zero of what I said… so when I said they know the name, but don’t know anything about the person… was I right? Yes. I was very correct.


Part of those deaths are hunter bots.

Ive gotten a few of them banned from reporting, but im sure some of the non banned ones i reported died before review.

On a side note its also in part because of the journey to level 10 is the most common time for a hunter to die combined with the hazard of the dreaded X7, X8, X9 levels when growl is heavily outdated for pet aggro and the hunter cannot help but easily pull aggro off the pet. The reason this is deadly is because many hunters ignore leveling their defence and melee skill resulting in crushing blows being very common, combined with being unable to reliably land a hit like wing clip or disengage to get the mob off the hunter and back onto the pet.

And then lastly the hazard of the pet classes.

Jump off a 1 foot ledge, watch pet run a marathon as it pulls dozens of mobs. If you are going to jump, always dismiss pet.


Actually, you have to double the pally data since they are only one faction. Then, take in account the popularity. This shows a lot of pally death.

That’s because Holy is terrible to level with and Prot is even worse.

The only reason people were able to level as those speccs in previous versions of WoW was because they spammed dungeons all the time. With there being a 1 per day lockout on dungeons, WAY more of the leveling experience has to be done out in the world with quests and Holy and Prot just suck at those. Same thing with Prot Warriors. Unless you’re rolling with a group for every quest you’re at a big disadvantage out in the world if you’re not specc’d as Ret.

It also should be said that just like Warriors can tank everything up to level cap while not specced Prot, Paladins can heal everything up to level cap while not being specc’d Holy. You can’t even unlock most of the actual talents that impact your healing in the holy tree till past level 20, and most of the good ones don’t unlock until after level 30.

That’s why most of the Paladins you see are Ret, most of the Druids you see are Feral, and I’d imagine most of the Shamans you see on horde side are Enhancement. They’re simply the best specc’s those classes have for leveling.

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I level Hpal in cloth gear. Straight heals… and let me tell you… it is downright brutal. Highly unrecommended to do so if you want a fun and easy ride in HC.

Oh that reminds me. Itemization is another HUGE reason why Paladins aren’t going to want to specc Holy while leveling up.

Low level Paladin itemization SUCKS. You either want to gear like a Warrior for Prot or Ret, or like a caster for Healing. There is very little in the way of gear that is tailor suited for you to play as a healing Paladin.

The problem here is that Cloth gear tends to be a lot more expensive than mail gear does because more classes want it. You have Priests, Warlocks and Mages that can’t wear anything else, as well as Resto Druids, Resto Shamans and Holy Paladins all trying to get pieces of the same action. Mail gear of the Bear on the other hand? Only Warriors and Paladins want that. It’s fewer people to compete with, so the prices tend to be lower and the items more abundant.

So not only is it more difficult to level as Holy due to not being able to solo content as easily, but it’s also more expensive to level because of how hard it can be to find upgrades while leveling.

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Um no?.. who told you that. Easiest to get to 60 on in HC is different than on normal Classic. Undead priest is much more OP for HC. And ONLY Undead for that class. If every single priest in HC rolled an Undead, their deaths would be a lot lower than they show up on there.

Hunters show as having the most deaths because they are the most played in HC.

I am on my 7th toon so I know i suck at it…lol But still enjoyable, learning lessons as I go.