So. Many. Buttons

9 classes to max, 3 to go, and one of them is DK.

Don’t know about warrior or rogue yet, but so far, this class is by far the most complicated core rotation.

Frost is somewhat easier, but Unholy…wow.

How on earth do you manage with all these buttons for Unholy DK?

Are there any helpful macros or tricks to use?

How much micro-managing does the PET need? I usually put in its ability on my bar, but with unholy, I am seriously out of room with two full bars.


What class would you say had the least amount of buttons then?

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Demon Hunter.

The meme is real.

It’s the only class where I couldn’t fill up 2 bars.


Ive played Unholy since Wrath. At first it was…daunting…Now its more so utilization of your different abilities.

With the recent changes to mastery and our talent tree granted we have some set up but its still festering, scourge, DC or Epi if theres 2+ adds.

You fighting a boss?
Outbreak, FS till 4 Wounds, AoD, DT, Apoc, Unholy Blight, Drop your Aoe then just spam scourge strike. use FS to add wounds, then SS to pop em.

The rest is there in case you need to self heal
#showtooltip Lichborne
/cast !Lichborne;
/cast [target=player] Death Coil

^ incase you guys need it.

Or you know, you have an interrupt like every other class, You have a CC removal like every other class, You have a Heal via death strike like every other class.

Its really not complicated, it just SEEMS like it is because you havnt touched it.

Edit: I mean yes turn off your pet’s stun and leap and place them on your bar, keybind it to something.
With Aphsyixate you get 2 stuns.
With the pet’s leap you get 2 interrupts (granted the pet needs to be in DT to be that)
Otherwise leave the claw on auto cast.
I leave my pet on Assisst personally in pve. PVP passive so i have more control.

TLDR: Ive played them for too long and Its not complicated for me. Easy as breathing.


Surprisingly, I have far more buttons on Blood than Unholy.

That’s an extremely good response, thank you.

One Question: When do you throw in epidemic?

Unholy is a lot easier than it used to be, just put in practice and the muscle memory should kick in :smiley:

My biggest problem is with the aoe. Putting wounds on everything, setting up a dnd window, etc. Etc. That is daunting to me

Basically use epidemic if you’re ever in a fight with 2+ targets. Its also useful in PvP to stop healers from getting drinks behind a pillar or trying to prevent a stealthy from breaking combat. Single target use death coil. It’s worth noting you can also heal your pet with death coil too.

Thanks, because I also agree with this sentiment:

I find it’s all a bit much for levelling, Frost seems more straightforward, but then I hit a dungeon, and wished I was using unholy.

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The pet is also really important for Unholy to get down, it takes practice. Here’s a good video if you’re interested:


Unless, you plan to be a really serious high level PvPer, you don’t really need the pet leap on your bar. Having to have your pet a certain distance from the target and transformed for it to have an interrupt makes it a pain to execute for very limited PvE gains.

The other thing I would say about Unholy is that its complicated but pretty forgiving. Outside of it being something of a pain to put wounds on multiple targets in the IC/BS build, particularly now with nerfed haste levels. Most of the rotation for Unholy outside of proper cooldown usage is just sort of filler. So much of your power is stuck in your cooldowns that if you make a rotational error in period between cooldowns its not going to have a significant impact on your dps.


So i have both DC and Epi on my bar.

If im fighting one target or want to lower the CD on DT a bit I use DC.
If im fighting literally more than 1 target Epi replaces it.

Both gain Sudden Doom procs so its up to the user to determine what to use based on the situation.

TLDR: 1 Target DC, 2 or more Epi.

EDIT: Uh DKs have whats called “Quadratic Scaling”. All that means is the more enemies in a pack or a pull the more damage we do. And Epidemic is what you use with that.

As far as placing Festering everywhere you dont really need to unless youre doing a very particular build.
Drop your AOE and when you pop a wound everyone in that takes some of the damage.

So Against multiple targets: Outbreak (cast another if some more join)Festering wounds on one up till about 4, DND, then SS to pop. Use Epi when youre about to cap on Runic Power.

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Thanks Again.

You made me appreciate DC so much better, and suddenly, so much began to click.

I think I better appreciate now how what appeared like separate systems (Virulent plague, Festering Wounds, Pets, Runes, Runic Power) actually interact with each other, the interplay between runes and runic power, and how to behave in single target and AOE situations.

It really wasn’t intuitive to me, but I think I’ve had an AHA moment based on this thread, especially your responses.

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Gimme more buttons, more, MORE!

Suffer well!

Now as you delve deeper into it, youll begin to understand why were so upset at the SL changes regarding placing 4-5 of our active set ups, SET UPS, under the GCD…>_>"

Put your wounds up before dropping DnD, that way the cleave window lasts longer during your wound popping.

One of the things I didn’t appreciate at first was how spells change from spec to spec.

For example, I began playing frost at first, where death coil is kinda worthless, so when I switched to unholy, I still treated it as pretty useless, only to then realize (with your help) that it was my main rune power spender for ST.

I’m guessing this is new for Shadowlands? Take “class skills” that everyone gets, but make them stronger for certain specs.

Well No, UH has always used DC as our runic Spender. It was “the Big Nut” after building up your RP.

Edited for your convenience