So looking for S3 new glads and not even two people in and

I run into a obvious paid boost. Shout out to Romanpriest, for never breaking past rival into being the first never glad before in the span of 4 days.

So far its Multi glads and r1s and paid boosts as I work my way up the list bottom up.


May I ask what the value of this data gathering is?

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May I ask why you have a problem with cheats being outed?

It’s kinda interesting tbh to see genuine authentic first glads


I’m not asking that, more the value of gathering how many “first time” glads there are vs repeats.

Like is it just for internet arguing to say glad is out of reach?

I agree 100%


Well, the narrative on here, and generally is just “put your nose down and grind”. And I want to know how much that actually occurs. Realistically if wow is a skill-based game, where CR/MMR accurately reflects skill, you should see a regular mix up over time. I suspect that its much lower then people realize.

In the same way that almost EVERYONE who said this season isn’t deflated claimed we would hit 3k for 1 range. Nope way off. Or when they say Starting mmr is X, when it simply isn’t.

I’m just annoyed at how in accurate and data ignorant arguments are on here. And I want that corrected.

Also it is a big issue if the majority of new glads are clear boosts.


Ah I see.

Good way to measure new blood success rates, you need some of that to keep people engaged. Could also be good helping the devs determine if MMR/CR gains are tuned too high (DFS1) or too low (DFS3).

As I thought.


I mean 100% I am open to being proved wrong. But I don’t like the “glad feels fine gg” style of discussion, hence gathering data.


This is the part that’s just at highly unlikely. The devs make their decisions with little to no input or explanation.

All these things end up coming down to is people wanting to argue and hold “intellectual” debates on the wow forums that no dev reads.

Would be nice if they did, but that’s a fantasy.

The realist in me agrees with this, but the optimist hopes for better lol.


While true, I do think posts are read. I just think 1 side of the convo is winning among the devs discussion. And depending on tools dev side finding this data might have to be done manually by them as well.

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Which is fair, but do you actually think you’re going to change anyone’s mind?

None of the parties ever budge - you, nor the other side.

I appreciate your effort in burgeoning your argument with data, but this will just turn into a 100+ response thread of salt and snide remarks where no one actually changes their opinion.

It’s like me telling you I’m actually Batman and you try and prove I’m not. Go ahead, collect the data, I’m still going to say I’m Batman.


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Honestly I’m ok with people not changing their minds. This is the arena forums, where you have multi glads saying that people don’t get rating because of their play while at the exact same time penning threads on which class this week should be nerfed b/c the only thing holding them back is class balance.

Heavy handed way of saying intellectual honesty is not a strong suit of this specific forum board.

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I mean there’s 2400 characters above 2400 according to pvpleaderboard. And according to pvpleaderboard less than 1600 of them are unique accounts. Honestly think less than 1600 unique players sitting 2400+ on season end is super weak. If there’s any hope for 3v3 to maintain any level of participation when glad is the only unique reward that number needs to go up, regardless of what data is collected.


Remove specific and you’re spot on :rofl:

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I ment the arena forums, not this thread brother, but yeah the rest are pretty bad too.

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I completely agree.

And as I sit thinking about it, I think the best argument is rather a question:

If so few people are getting glad for the first time, how does the community improve that?

I can’t imagine most high ranking players want to gatekeep glad for whatever reason.

The more the better, because that creates natural inflation and helps the game.

So in retrospect I think the data is great to collect to show so few first time glads and post the question of how do we improve that number?

And obviously individual effort is a part of it, but what can the currently glad and up community do (if anything) to help those below improve and get there?

I found one!!3v3

This trash boostee went from 2195 to over just under 2.6 and back down to 2.5 for wins in 3 days…

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Honestly this is worse then I thought. I havent found 1 yet.

I mean I agree this dude looks like trash, its an obvious non boost based off account history.

The first real first time glad is **[Vulkanika @ Tichondrius] but they look more likely are just a new account.