So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye

In WotLK professions mattered more so people actually focused on crafting and selling, the game was more alt friendly at end game, achievements had just been introduced, mount farming was still unique and there wasn’t a flood of mounts, there was a brand new class introduced as well as a new profession, dungeons and raids took more than just a click or two to get into since you had to actually find a group or assemble one yourself (like mythic +but without the changing difficulties) so there was real communities apart from guilds and trade chat waffle, and of course the game hadn’t been condensed into oblivion so it was more fun to make the long journey to max lv 70.

Need more?

Not to mention that Arthas is STILL the best villain in the game’s history, so working to improve one character to eventually beat him meant something. Now it just feels like we’re improving ourselves to better do dungeons we’ve already done.

The jailer seems pretty bad, but he’s not bad like Arthas. The jailer comes off like that one boss or supervisor that you really can’t stand but who you know really hates his own job and wants a better life. Arthas was a madman who needed to be stopped. He reveled in carnage and was destructive without reason. Actions made all the worse by the fact that he was once royalty and a hero of men.


The Jailer is generic with literally no lore behind him.

I wanna hate him (I know I’m supposed to) but he just comes off as more of a mega jerk than anything. Even Sylvanas is currently more unlikable, though I DO still kinda like her.

They just need to give us more reason to despise him. The mind is willing, but the spirit is not.

That’s what I was doing in BFA and the start of Shadowlands. But things looked so good early on I got tricked into the 6 month sub thinking there would be more awesome stuff soon. Not making that mistake again.

I’m going to skip 9.1 and continue playing other MMOs and other games for a while. I’ll check back in on 9.2 or 9.3 otherwise I’ll wait it out for 10.x to see if they’ve changed direction.

I don’t think I’m quite ready to skip patches. I like the progression, so if I skip patches, I don’t really enjoy going through them, I’d basically just skip to the current one to do actual progression. Absolutely do what works for you though.

Definitely hoping for a change in direction for 10.0 though.

Skimmed over it, you are probably only able to view the thread. I agree with the feeling that older wow brought on. I watched a reaction video by one ex dev of the original wow and he brings some insight while calling Ion out when Preach had that interview. Saying something like, those are rookie mistakes and some things I resonated with.

That said, while I didn’t mind the long flight times, I found it funny how some people rage about the few minute flight time in Shadowlands… god knows what the mess would be if they brought back longer flight times :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyways, happy adventuring on your next stop

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More? You romanticized crafting, alts, achievements/ mounts as if that does not exist now. And then went into endgame activities.

Thank you for proving my point.

Modern WoW is definitely a very different game. I feel like they are trying to have both sides of the hop in, instant action, rpg but then try and keep the slow quest-style rpg. Unfortunately I think it’s just making the game worse overall.

They probably just need to decide,
Is it a slower game with travel where the reward is the exploration and adventure with friends?
Or is it a log in, queue up, instant action rpg with randoms and friends?
Trying to do both at the same time is just unhealthy for the game imo


I agree, I get them wanting to kind of include the variety in play-styles but at some point they need to kind of pick and stay with it. It’s become a weird mutant where you can definitely pin point what aspect of the game was influenced by what era of the games history.

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You are the first alliance i am sad to see go and not die horrible in an oil based fire :frowning:

I dont know you… but i miss you already

Thats an amazing recap…so accurate to game



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I couldn’t have said it better! I’m with Trollware (or w/e his name was) saying I never knew you, but I miss you already. I started end of Jan 2006, and have reached satiation (sp?) as of last month.

It was most of my social life for 15 years, and my love life, too. It was the people I met and played with who made it fun. To all of you, auf weidersehn, goodbye! I may weep for the “good ol’ days” but there are no more. In my opinion, it is not the devs alone who damaged it, but the griefers and the jerks you play with and against, now.

Perhaps, before I just blamed it on the faction, but now it is the players themselves who have wrecked it for me. The being a jerk just to mess with others. I won’t miss you when I go.


Crafting surely does not exist the same as it does now. Remember crafting gear you could use in raids? Alts are punished now. Remember getting to max level and being raid ready within a few weeks, as opposed to months the way things are now. Remember when getting Invincible meant something? Remember when having heroic LK kill achievement title meant something? I do. It was a golden age of WoW.

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Can I have your anima?

Except it’s not rose-tinted goggles. I am currently playing WotLK and have been on and off since 2012. You aren’t required to rep farm anything at all, and most objectively useful currencies/rep grinds came from dungeons/raids themselves.

ICC being timegated was objectively stupid, but that’s one thing versus an entire expansion being littered with daily timegates.

**Sorry, Warmane/Molten WoW since 2012.

You couldn’t be more right. Gaming in general has changed. I miss the vanilla and BC days. I thought the classic re-release would be awesome but I was so wrong. While I did find joy and happiness in reliving all those times in the past it just didn’t feel the same. I remember being a kid and playing vanilla with my dad. The world seemed huge like you said. It felt like an eternity to do things but it was also that much more rewarding feeling. Now when I play classic everyone is number crunching and min maxing. It takes the original fun out of the game and makes it entirely too serious. I too am glad for all the great times and memories Blizzard has given to me. Some of those times spent with my dad playing WoW will live on forever. But I agree, things aren’t the same anymore. I gave up playing and stopped my subscription which has been going since 2005 as well. It’s a bitter sweet ending for me. Thanks Blizzard and all of my friends I’ve made over the years for all the great times. It was real while it lasted.


Are you sure this thread qualifies? That’s a pretty high bar to hit.

I believe Trial of the Crusader was also timegated.