It’s really unfortunate that players that loved this game and the story and were invested in them for so long are now leaving because Blizz can’t help ruining their own game. It really sucks.
We did not always agree, but I felt your presence on the Forums was beneficial. It will be a diminished place without you. Usually when you post, you make a case. They are at least genuine and reasoned posts. As opposed to other posters who only post demands for their favorite Race/Faction, or simply post things to Troll.
There are posters who convey certain types of posting styles. Some posters are often silly, and rarely discuss the lore in depth. Some posters are very precise and try to stay true to what is canon. Some posters go wild with the Headcanon and RP. I always felt your posts were sensible, fair, and well reasoned - even if wrong sometimes.
I gather you are having some issues with the direction of the Story and Game. Alliance High Elves being chief among your issues but not the only one. It may be time to take that break. I have taken a few breaks in the past. I have seen friends quit and never come back.
I also often consider how much longer I can consider myself a fan of this series. The Story is teetering on the edges of farce, and I do not know how much more I can take. Gameplay issues aside.
Hopefully, World of Warcraft improves on many fronts, and we see you here again.
Nah, that was just the straw. I hadn’t played the game in half a year, and at a certain point, paying $19/month to not play a game doesn’t make much sense. None of the new story reveals has especially grabbed me, and…it just felt like time, you know?
For a long time, this forum has been my favourite thing about the game, and it’s especially because of forum users like you. Much respect!
May your troubles be less and your blessings be more,
And nothing but happiness come through your door.
Hey Carm, Vae (Vaethria on here, back in the day) sends his best wishes. He quit early in BFA and isn’t coming back, but hopes you’ve been well. Same to the other regulars who are still around the forums.
Gonna suck, I always enjoyed reading your posts
Oi, I want in!
I believe there’s a link in the first post of the lounge topic.
Oh, so it is. Thanks.
I’m barely playing these days. Maybe a big here and there but that’s mainly it. There just isn’t enough to hold interest until SL.
??? Am I getting a discount I don’t know about?
Also, I’ve never heard of someone quitting over Alliance getting something that they’ve asked for, lol. It’s not even exactly what Alliance wanted either, it’s still a substitute. Please. Alliance have been asking for this for over 15 years.
This is like me quitting because Orcs got an upright option, like lolwut?
It´s a little sad to see you go, but sometimes we need to get some fresh air to go back to things we used to like. Maybe the time break will help you detox from the whole terribad WoW lore and make you remember those things about the game you enjoyed at the very start of your journey as a dirty WoW player.
I know it worked for me.
Godspeed, Carma. See you later (hopefully).
You’ll be back.
See ya next week
Bye Carma, I hope what’s to come can make you find some joy in this franchise again.
Carm’s goodbye farewell,
The Story Forums avail,
on her to prevail.
Farewell Carmageddon, farewell you little elfie
38 posts in, and not one reference to “So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish”. Even with the thread title just begging for it.
You disappoint me, SF.
So long friend, hope you make it back one day.