So Long, and Thanks for Everything

So I un-installed WoW. For the first time in 14 years, World of Warcraft, the MMORPG is no longer on my computer. Been a great journey, but one that has reached its end.

To the Folks in Game:

Thank you. From the overly patient raid leaders who allowed me to raid while my learning curve caught up to the rest of the group, to the guild leaders and officers who made logging in so much fun, to the people in LFR cracking jokes, to the people in a 5-man dungeon run that actually talked. Thank you.

To the Folks on the Boards:

Thank you. Long after the game had reached saturation of ~meh~ state, you were and are entertaining. Not a day goes by that I don’t visit the boards and laugh or shake my head, or both. Thanks for the upvotes, thanks for the (usually) measured conversation. I’ll probably visit a couple more times, before my token runs out (sometime this month), simply for the chuckles.

To Those Who Said Activision Held No Sway Over Blizzard:

Right now there’s about 800 people, and their families, who would like to punch you in the nose - real hard.

To the Devs who Brought us Vanilla, BC, and WotLK

Thank you. Those expansions hold some of my best memories of WoW. Thank you for taking the PC game, and turning it into something I shared with millions of others. You should feel good about yourselves.

To the Devs who Brought us WoD, Legion, and BFA

I wish I had your job. Truly. Not because I love WoW, or want to work at Blizzard, but I want a job where I am immune to the consequences of my decisions. I want a job where the metrics defining success are changed because said metrics aren’t being met.

To the Moderators:

You had aided and abetted, if not fostered, an environment where the most intolerant run roughshod over everyone else. Where the United States (but ONLY the United States), and the current PoTUS (but not his predecessor or opponent in the 2016 election) can be bashed ad infinitum, but attempting to defend, or explain, even with context, results in a ban,

(FYI - Europe is a continent, NOT “a race”)

I wish you all the best in life. And remember,

“Flying was never an issue until Blizzard made it an issue” TM - Pharsalus


Is it a new policy to unlist/hide these threads, or has it always existed and they’ve only just started enacting that policy?

I swear I’ve seen tens of hundreds of posts like this (a lot worse, tbh) not get moderated in the slightest.

Just curious.

@OP sorry you’re leaving. It’s never easy. Also, thanks for not listing MoP as bad. I loved it. haha.

Wish you the best of luck Pharsalus on your future endeavors. It’s really rough stepping away from something you got a lot of enjoyment out of. Especially when you’ve been playing as long as you have. It’s part of your life. You became a member of the forum community I grew to recognize and thus enjoy reading your posts. You will be missed.

Sorry to see you go, mate, you’ll be missed. My hope is that you might return someday when things get brighter, but barring that (and in the meantime), I hope you find something you can invest another near-decade-and-a-half of your life in, at minimum.


Might be for mentioning moderators and/or politics. Not 100% sure, as if it was quite that bad I’d expect it to just be removed?

Sorry to see you go…

I bid you a fond farewell and Good Luck in your next Journey. :rainbow: