So LFR Sylvanas on a Monday night

1st time. Let’s see how this goes. :skull_and_crossbones:

it probly gonna do O K do u get a fasta , if u get a fasta for u lfr , then pepole gonna be so happy there gonna do a loves on u for it ! get more speals , get more helar . DROP LOOT it gonna be LIT !


I was going to try this later myself. :grimacing:

no it aint fasta it the thig u put on grond , then pepole can eat on it , get alot helar get alot damages , u no that im sayin , it gonna be good , lotta pepole gonna banefit

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2 things could happen. Rushers don’t kill adds on the bridges Thrall puts up. Instant wipe in a mechanic. Sucks when this happens.

Or…the final phase Sylvanas teleporters.

May some god have mercy on your soul here…for the players will not. Leap of faith time…follow the 10 people who know what they doing going to the edge of the platform. Or…die.


I still need to do this for the quest and I’m dreading it.

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protip: Sylvanas did nothing wrong

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Well, was going ok. Then I was on a platform, then everyone went to another platform, and I died to “Crippling Defeat”.

11/25 still up, you can do it!

EDIT: Morgan Freeman, narration: “They couldn’t do it.”


I hate that fight I usually die early then have no idea if we’re even winning until credits, denathrius was more fun.

I have the first teleporter okay. Its the second one. I follow the pack to the second jump off like a good lemming but…still died.

I guess I wasn’t a good enough lemming?

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Super easy, barely an inconvenience.

Just did the same thing, I thought I followed everyone the right way on jump #2.

EDit: They finished it!

No gear… /sadpanda

Last I heard 10 stacks of deter was the record :thinking:

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10? Yeesh. We did it tonight with 1, so pretty good.

Think the most I ever saw was 5 on Lei Shen.

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I’ve done it on a Monday. It is horrible. 1/2 fell off in phase 2. Half of the survivors from phase 2 died in phase 3s first raze. This happened multiple times…

I haven’t played since April. How is this fight? As bad as lfr N’Zoth?

No where near as tough as LFR N’zoth thankfully. It is very doable if people follow the key mechanics correctly and focus down the elite adds.

Hardest part is people learning to platform jump when they get targeted. “Nah, ill just stand in this crowd of people. It’ll be fine “

Yeah that is pretty infuriating even after you tell them exactly what to do before the fight.

It may be LFR but the mechanics can still either kill you or the raid if you don’t deal with them properly.