So let me get this straight, people can sell addons now?

Not like Blizzard enforces the rule regarding them, so yes. Just like most things in the game that violate the rules - they don’t care about anything that their system doesn’t automatically detect

It’s odd you are bringing attention to this and didn’t link the addon in question.

If you truly cared, you’d link the site so people know and bring actual attention to it.


Just when I think your posts can’t get any more self-contradictory…

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Custom mods are what a lot of the top players use.

Most sell exclusively to the top players so they’ll never be caught making money trying to sell to random peeps.

If you can think it up, it can probably be made for enough $$$

Because there is no addon. It’s just a WA pack of auras that anyone can rip off for a free version.

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Wait… you mean they aren’t selling addons for $$$, they are selling their custom WA code?!

Sorry I knew the whole time, I just wanted to call them out since they want to continually defend its not clickbait lol.

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WA code is addon code, which cannot be put behind a paywall.

If people can rip it off is irrelevant.
And a WA pack is still an addon. You’re just being pedantic.

No officer, I’m not selling booze to these underage children. I’m just selling them the key to the door with the neon sign that says Alcohol.

It’s not.
The addon code would be WA.
Thus the loophole. Because of the customizability of WA, selling the wa profile code is not defined as an addon.

It’s like importing and exporting talent builds to other people, just a bit more indepth.

And then there’s the loophole! The code is free!

… if you’re a Patreon member. lol

The fact that someone figure out that loophole is sad bit of genius, imo. This isn’t the first time we’ve seen it.

It isn’t. An aura is not the addon. It’s not even addon coding. The addon works without that aura. There are many free auras like it. And those “free” to Patreon members very quickly become actually free.

The addon isn’t behind a paywall. It’s free at www.curseforgedotcom/wow/addons/weakauras-2

The addon code isn’t behind a paywall. It’s free at githubdotcom/WeakAuras/WeakAuras2

Stop trolling.

The fact that you call it a loophole is telling enough.
It’s wrong. It’s against the spirit of the game. It’s against the spirit of Blizzards own TOS.

This isn’t a court. This is a general forum where common sense should prevail.
Evidentially, it does not.

God the mental gymnastics and hurdles y’all prop up just to defend something that is unhealthy for the game is disgusting.

The things behind the paywall aren’t addons. They’re literally just text. Stop trolling.

So there is a paywall. That is all I was initially stating to the two Dracthyrs high-fiving each other in this thread.
Thank you.

PS ending your posts with “stop trolling” doesn’t give it more credibility.

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But there aren’t addons behind it. The premise of the thread is that addons are being sold, which isn’t true. False premise = troll thread.

Next thing you’re going to tell me that OF content behind a paywall is proof that WoW addons are being sold for cash. BECAUSE PAYWALL.

What an idiot.

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… how? It’s just an aura. With seven billion like it.

You’re right. Common sense doesn’t prevail. Otherwise you’d understand the different between an addon and a aura that is not coded using addon coding.

I can make an aura. I can’t code an addon.

You’re the one getting bent out of shape over facts. Sorry you don’t like them.

:roll_eyes: All I’m hearing is, “I can’t handle logic and facts, so I’ll just toss out some snide remarks.”

Yes, honey… it is a loophole. No one is denying that fact. But Blizzard doesn’t care, because it’s not an addon locked away, it’s just an aura that’s already out there for free not locked behind anything and has been since at least October when this was first brought up, because this is an outdated topic.

I’m only posting here in sympathy for Sendryn. They’re on this wall protecting the rest of us from idiocy, so I feel obligated to help them out. I feel so dirty already.

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NOBODY THINKS IT’S COOL AND GOOD THAT THEY’RE SELLING IT. Not even me, while I’m mocking the fools who would pay for such a thing.

All that’s happening is explaining why nothing will happen about it. There are loopholes. If you don’t like that, get hired by Blizzard and do something about it. Otherwise it’s all a whole bunch of wasted finger-wagging about something that everyone agrees sucks but ultimately who cares.


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We’re 176 posts deep, the conversation pivots a little bit. :slight_smile:

No, I wouldn’t tell you that, because it makes no sense. No idea what you’re babbling on about, if you thought that was a smart analogy or whatever you attempted, it was not.

Stop trolling.