So its unholy gonna get the love it desrves

Kind of the point of Unh. Think they should just find a healthy state for the spec. The current damage profile is good and I think it’s fun when the breakdown is coil>wounds>disease>pet but our defensives are laughable and the chains and kite meta isn’t a fun play style for the dk or the people trying to fight the dk.

I think short duration mitigations like corpse shield huddle and strong but expensive deathstrikes with a weaker chains is the answer

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dk gets no changes until amatox denounces ranch on pizza


Fine dk stays bad then idc I’d rather eat good


while normally bad, if my homie pulls up with domino’s pizza, im drowning that monstrosity in ranch in a desperate lunge at having a somewhat decent taste

Domino’s is trash and not worth wasting ranch on

no shot you eat dom’s neat

I just don’t eat Dom we have a really amazing local place and they make their own ranch fresh I even got a punch card

You all belong in prison.

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bring back crucifixions.

amatox doesn’t waste his time with trash chain pizza

he would rather ruin $40 pies from local spots that use high quality ingredients

ingredients he can’t taste under the ranch, of course


Weird how nobody ever says anything when I dunk pizza in ranch but the second I say something about it on the Internet all these nerds living off lean cuisine got an opinion


it’s cause u can’t fold me irl when I say your pizza ethics are horrific here

You need to surround yourself with friends who will say something


A slight drizzle of ranch on a pizza with chicken on it rlly makes the flavors pop

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let me catch u putting SALAD DRESSING on a delicious pie.


u guys never had that one guy who’s like “dw ima grab pizzas tn”
then they pull up with the forbidden blue box

i worked at dominos in HS so i’ve seen too many of those blue boxes

when they used to have the breadstick seasoning tho a sauceless pan with extra cheese and that seasoning was basically a fire cheese bread

dom’s pizza is a warcrime but man their cheese bread kinda owns


their cheesebread is next level

How is this chain not out of business lmao