So is Wrathion

We have a deer and a unicorn kissing… but because neither of these really have lips it just looks like they’re trying to eat each others’ faces.

Oh and the Manns, the mining couple in northern Jade forest, they are highly romantic.

We have a whole achievement series dedicated to /love on animals. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well it would be very romantic! I’d even be happy to see Anduin grow up and create a nice relationship outside of the idea of marrying because he must or something.

He’s always had all this responsibility on his shoulders even as a child to be a king. That’s pretty tough, especially with all the things happening to his loved ones and the cataclysmic events.

Freaking wrathion tho… he’s not a great apple you know? Sure he’s cute and sly but he’s always up to something and that’s not good for Anduin. In fact that potentially would put him in a hard spot as a leader.

I just don’t see why he’d trust him like that.


Look guys, our weekly gift from GD about Anduin being gay!


Oh my god another one??



I meant the Maw sorry lol

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They’ve been dumping a lot more frequently than usual recently. Have a guess why that is?

Bored trolls increasingly taking advantage of easily triggered Gamers by making threads that contain the correct cUlTuRe WaR key words. Mods can’t tell the good faith ones from the troll ones so they place them where it technically fits and the userbase isn’t quite as melodramatic.

Far as I understand it he just willingly decided to follow Sylvanas into perdition to help her with her penance fetch quest.

Nothing good can come out of that but if it Phantom Zones the characters most corrosive to the lore for awhile I guess I’m fine with it.

Also just so we all know, they’ll never be putting in a same sex couple who’s relationship can’t be easily omitted in versions of WoW aimed at international audiences.

The /slash forum is three doors down to the right.