So is Thrall Dead

All these cinematics, all these content updates, all this fighting and weird decisions

Thrall doesn’t make a peep and nowhere to be found. what is this

is he not one of the horde leaders?


I agree that it’s very confusing. I mean, Thrall ISN’T dead. And I can’t think he’d be too happy with what’s going on. Why hasn’t he made an appearance?


exactly the goodies two shoes of the horde has nothing to say

Thrall is no longer part of the Horde. So he technically has no say in it.

I think originally he did appear in BfA beta, but they seem to have cut his story out. I’d like to see him again, he’s been a little too scarce in recent years.


Despite being around from time to time, Thrall hasn’t been a leader of the horde since cataclysm. He’s just not sticking his nose where it belong, for a change.


hes the warchief of the earthen ring now lul

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Thrall fricked right the hell out of the whole war to go have a kid, get married, and be a badass leader of a neutral party whose only goal is to keep the world from exploding. Which kind of makes him the smartest main character in the game.


If you’re a writer being told to write a faction war story, adding Thrall into the mix is the last thing you’d do, that’s like adding 2 Saurfang.


Here’s hoping he’s still at home, helping to raise the whelps.


Considering when this all started, Anduin was just a child who stood around in his daddy’s throne room in Stormwind, perhaps Thrall retired Doomhammer and is now playing shuffleboard at an old Orcs home somewhere.

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He’s 33, not 86.

I’m still betting that Sylvanas is going to do something to Thrall, personally, to set him off. The only thing that comes to mind would be killing his wife and kids, which would jettison him out of “apathetic” mode in Nagrand, into “I’m going to ****ing kill her!” mode.


yeah saurfang is pretty much a mix of thrall and garrosh anyway like garrosh’s fearlessness and warrior attitude but thralls green skin and ability of internal thought. so bringing either character in is just gonna wash both out.

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I mean…come on we all knew he was losing it when he just straight up dropped Doomhammer and made you go retrieve it for him.

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Remember when they said Thrall was going to be “heavily featured” in BfA at Blizzcon? lul


Thrall = Metzen
Both walked away from their posts when other things needed their attention, but the game has kind of suffered during their absence.


I wish they’d make him turn in Doomhammer’s armor and hammer so we can put them on display in honor of the warrior they once belonged to, Orgrim Doomhammer.

awww that would be awesome in a cinematic though if Thrall went into his little mud hut somewhere and was like “Fine, I’ll do it myself!” and in the corner of the room you saw his retextured doomhammer armor and he reappeared wearing that and kicked the horde back into shape.


Its fairly obvious they’re gonna bring him out when every other story arc has collapsed on itself because of the horrible writing in homes everyone will forget and “ooh” and “aahh” over his return.

But this story has been god awful since WoD so it’s really hard to care.

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I had no idea Thrall was so young, but he’s actually 42. According to what I just read online by googling “Thrall’s age”, he was 28 when WoW first started in 2004, which would make him 42 this year. Nevertheless, it certainly would be something to see him return as warchief.

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