So.. Is there no repeatable daily source of celebration tokens?

I like this idea! Blizz take this idea!


Once you get 100 tokens, you’ll be able to farm them from spamming Classic Timewalking dungeons, at least according to their blog post.

That’s where I have gotten most of mine. Every weekly has been giving one or two. The delve weekly, the machine engine, the collect 10 wax and the theatre as well I believe - only get them once on the account though.

are the new tw dungeon changes in?

I don’t know if there was a hot fix or something but I ran my Night Elf Hunter through some of these quests tonight and she got a few… Neither my Paladin or Druid did. Up to 22 total…

What a joy

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No. You’ll see me taking digs and giving feedback on lacklustre “AAA” products semi-regularly though.
Almost as much as I see you trolling people who have legitimate grievances with a subpar game that blizz keeps farming L’s with.
People like my energy more because I’m funny, and I actually want the game to be good.
Nobody likes a furry troll like you who licks boots like it’s your job.


That’s crazy, since I can often be seen supporting complaints as well.

I’m not a one-note side character like you.

can you take that energy and help us let blizz know nzoth is broken rn

You are certainly here to troll people and go offtopic when you’ve been found out.
Like now.
Like, do you even have a point right now? Or just being your standard trashy self?
Like what is your offtopic point right now? Why did you start sending me notifications that you’d like to insult me. Take a look at your sad self, goof.

I responded to you, chief.

Ok, “chief”.
Let’s agree to have you stop sending me harassing notifications going forward, and stop trolling feedback threads. “chief”.
gd clown.

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Damn, that’s crazy.

So anyways, now that the troll should shut her mouth,
Yeah, the multiple Daily celebration event quests don’t seem to give the celebration event currency out of bad design, confirmed.

There’s 3-4 new Daily Quests in the celebration event hub for me today and they have no rewards. :+1:

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Can someone link to something that says this? I don’t see that mentioned anywhere.

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After players collect their first 100 tokens, their Warband will unlock ungated tokens which will drop from the following activities:

Blackrock Depths Raid Dungeon Raid Bosses
World Bosses
Classic Timewalking Queues
Codex of Chromie Queues
Korrak’s Revenge Daily Quests


Thanks I was looking at the announcement or something that doesn’t mention it.

No they were there from day one for me. Wowhead has a list indicating you can get 48 first week if you do everything.

I’ve gotten 41, with only a few still unobtained (Gearing up for Trouble and Preserving in Skirmishes). There are a few sources that were reported as rewarding tokens on PTR but do not (Delves: Percussive Archaeology, Something Different, Spreading the Light) and one quest which does seem to exist at all (The Originals).

Oh man bro it was alot worse before wow that is for sure lol. I remember runescape. And then dying and losing pretty much everything. And I heard everquest was pretty hardcore to. And dungeons were all basically world stuff. Nothing was instanced. So you were always competing with other people for boss drops. Wow changed that to. Everyone grouped got their own copy of an instance or whatever.

I personally just liked dailies because they were easy to memorize. And once you did the same 5 quests for like a week and a half. Sometimes longer as I didn’t always do the dailies in the hub. You were done.

I remember in legion in particular, stuff started getting expensive. And lottery style stuff was added. It wasn’t enough that you got exalted. Nooo. You had to get these chests with a 1 percent chance of dropps for mounts. That or they cost a ludicrous amount of gold.

I dunno. I am one of those players that became broke after wod. And I didn’t even see it with coming. I had 2 million gold in wod. So glad I bought the wooly rhino and the red nether rocket extreme. Those mounts are so expensive now. But man even having 250 k is pretty much nothing now. And I think my warrior has 50 k max now. It’s literal pennies in the grand scheme of things.

Man wow and the real world need to fix their economies. Houses are ludicrously expensive in real life. Im broke both ways lol. Broke in wow and in real life. And I never had money in runescape. Good luck kid. I remember I used to run into the wild in runescape, as you could find useful items here and there. Just run naked and you could snag some law runes. I knew exactly where those were and they were expensive to make. Used for teleporting in that game.

I just miss wod and pandaria. You maxxed out exalted status. And if you had the little gold you had, boom. All the mounts bought.

Never forget BFA and the longboi brutosaur. 2 trillion gold or whatever. Soooooo stupid. Then, they took him away. Still no alternatives. And i would gladly settle for red long boi brutosaur mount, same size and everything, different color, and zero vendors, that I could get some day. I can dream.

And I don’t know. I feel there are to many currencies now also. Maybe I am just old now and I can’t remember anything, but the currency requirements can be pretty strange also in my op. I don’t remember your average mount being this crazy to get back in the wrath era, or even cata era. Although wrath was when mount collecting started to get mainstream. And funny how 16 k gold was alot of gold to your average player back then for the traveler tundra mammoth. I was one of the few who had that by the end of the expansion.

I just find it insane how much stuff costs now. I remember getting the little black mammoth back then to with stone keeper shards which weren’t super difficult to get either. Didn’t require much from what I remember either. Just feels like alot of mounts have some interesting arbitrary requirements now. But I haven’t really mount farmed or did quest hubs for mounts since legion. I just look at the requirements and Im like, yah I can’t do it.

Legion added that easter egg stuff to. You had to do all this random bullcorn, and then do this, and then do that. And THEN wait for this weekly stuff to have the reward you wanted. And you just had to kill this world boss and boom you had the only jellyfish mount in the game. At that time anyways. It was the first one. I also liked getting the conjuror margoss fish mount. A bit impossible to get that now though.

The game is just simpler now in some ways, and overcomplicated in other ways. And just gold inflated in other ways to.

I will say the trading post is a cool feature. Almost guaranteed a free thing each month just for playing the game. And it encourages you to do stuff to. Like I haven’t really raid farmed for mounts religuously anyways in quite awhile. Still missing invincible and mimirons fat head. But you do those raids for points towards the trade post log. And this was a win in my op on blizzard.