So is anything going to be done about dungeons?

It isn’t very complicated. To achieve optimal dungeon experience:
Tank runs to boss, AOE everything down, rinse, repeat.
If the group whipes, boot the healer and try again.
If the group whipes again, boot the healer and the worst performing DPS. Continue until you are in a competent group.


Its extremely fun.

The problem is there is a large population with completely different goals and wants all bottlenecked together randomly in a queue system.

I don’t say this with vitriol but your way isn’t the “correct way” and others aren’t the ones in the wrong. But same goes for them.

It is the opposite of fun… it’s tedious and hectic.

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For you sure.

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Yes it is. The design should not allow this selfish, inconsiderate toxic mega wall-to-wall pulling. It’s a solo experience with 4 players struggling to catch up and keep themselves alive because the tank outdistances themselves not only from the group but from the majority of mobs while they go Zoom Zoom. It’s the worst experience WoW has to offer and it’s the same experience up to the low mythic bracket. However the higher you go the slower (on average) it will usually be.

Oh lol did you think that the words which I put down applied to everyone? :laughing:

If they make mob white hits hurt again, this will change. This type of dungeon spam should be for end of expac not start. Used to be the tank would take a ton of white hits off mobs and die if they pulled too much, now he just kills the rest of the group instead.

Exactly what I’m saying.

Like sure do some crazy pulls, but be WAY OVER GEARED not day 1 of the expansion lol.

Well, you did kind of make a thread titled ‘is anything going to be done about dungeons’ then proceeded to suggest your personal preference should be how Blizzard designs the game.

So, yeah.

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M8 it has actually always been like this. Did you not play sl or df launch?

Yes, I was.

No. It hasn’t.

We were not pulling the entire dungeon from boss to boss day 1 of the expansion in heroics.

We didn’t have heroic dungeons day 1 of this xpac.

Heroics are low level dungeons. People are running them like they are stepping stone low level dungeons.

Heroics at max level content for level 80 only characters.


So what if they are at 80? They are low level content. What part of this are you not getting? This isn’t the burning crudade. Normal dungeons (which have sub 80s), heroics (the basic floor for 80s) m0 (the new heroic), m+ (5 man endgame).

Heroics are low level dungeons.

Pathetic attempt at trolling lmao.

I’m not trolling you.

Your expectations of what heroic dungeons are does not match with reality.

They are a valor farm and a base gear farm. That’s it. You are supposed to move on from them. All they do is set a gear floor for each season.